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Reconstruction of LoD2 3D city models for urban flow simulations


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City4CFD--City for CFD--is a tool that aims to automatically reconstruct high-detailed 3D city geometries tailored for microscale urban flow simulations.

It can automatically create a terrain from a point cloud and imprint different surfaces (e.g. green areas, water, roads).

It enables us to reconstruct buildings from different sources and their combination, such as:

  • Reconstruction with the combination of 2D polygons and a point cloud,
  • Extrusion of footprints containing height or floor number attributes,
  • The import of existing building models.

The reconstruction using the combination of point clouds and 2D polygons can be done in LoD2.2, LoD1.3, and LoD1.2. You can use the complexity factor to tune the overall complexity of the reconstructed geometry.

The resulting geometry is watertight -- buildings and surfaces are seamlessly integrated into a terrain.

It can automatically or manually define the zone of influence and domain boundaries.

If you happen to use it, feedback is very much appreciated.

City4CFD is developed by the 3D Geoinformation Research Group at the Delft University of Technology.

Data formats

Point clouds can be imported in LAS/LAZ, TXT/XYZ, or PLY format. We ask separately for ground and building points. While some datasets contain building-ground classification, some do not. Our point cloud preparation tool can extract ground and building points from user-defined classes, or use the Cloth Simulation Filter to separate the ground and non-ground points. If you would like to check your points, see if they are classified, or even conduct the filtering and classification yourself, we suggest you use CloudCompare.

2D data (polygons) are imported in GDAL-supported formats. For all pre-processing related to polygons you can use QGIS.

Geometry import supports the following formats: OBJ, STL, PLY, OFF, VTP, and CityJSON.

Output is in the following formats: OBJ, STL, and CityJSON. The ID of each polygon is preserved, and there is a 1-to-1 mapping between the input and the output.


You can directly compile City4CFD on your system using cmake, run it through a Docker container, or install using Homebrew in the case of macOS.

Build from source

The following libraries are required to build the project:

  • CGAL 5.5.x or 5.6.x
  • Boost >= 1.66
  • Eigen >= 3.3.4
  • GMP >= 4.2
  • MPFR >= 2.2.1
  • GDAL >= 3.0

OpenMP is an optional dependency.

GMP, MFPR, and Eigen are necessary dependencies for CGAL.

Dependencies are generally available in Linux distributions, e.g. in Debian/Ubuntu/Mint:

sudo apt-get install libcmpfr-dev libgmp-dev libboost-all-dev libeigen3-dev libomp-dev libgdal-dev

CGAL can be directly downloaded from the release page (-library). No install is necessary, only the path to the unzipped folder is required (see below).

In macOS you can install all dependencies with Homebrew:

brew install cmake boost cgal eigen libomp gdal

The project uses CMake to generate makefiles, so make sure it is also installed.

To build City4CFD, do the following:

mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. -DCGAL_DIR=/path/to/cgal/dir

In case of Homebrew, you do not have to use the -DCGAL_DIR parameter. You can speed up compilation by typing make -j $numcores where $numcores is the number of threads you can spare for compilation.


We offer built Docker images for every release, available at the Docker Hub. Running the docker script for the first time will pull the docker image from the Docker Hub repository.


Mac users can install City4CFD through Homebrew:

brew install tudelft3d/software/city4cfd

Getting started

The folder examples contains example datasets you can run for your first reconstruction. You can run your first reconstruction from the /examples/TUD_Campus folder by typing:

mkdir results
../../build/city4cfd config_bpg.json --output_dir results

in case of building from a source.

To run through a Docker container, you can use one of the scripts in docker/run/. The script with the extension .sh can be used in Linux and macOS, the one with the extension .ps1 in Windows Powershell, and the last one with .bat in Windows Command Prompt. You have to run a script (you can copy it beforehand) from the root directory of the project (e.g. examples/TUD_Campus), and the arguments are the same as for the compiled executable, e.g.:

../../docker/run/ city4cfd config_bpg.json --output_dir results

The script pulls the latest release from the Docker Hub. For a specific release, replace latest in the script with the released version tag, e.g. 0.1.0. In Linux systems, you will probably have to run the command as a sudo unless you create a 'docker' group and add users to it.

More information on the project can be found in the documentation.


The wiki section of this project has details on reconstruction setup and also contains information and suggestions on data preparation.


If you use City4CFD in a scientific context, please cite the following papers:

Ivan Pađen, Clara García-Sánchez, and Hugo Ledoux (2022). Towards Automatic Reconstruction of 3D City Models Tailored for Urban Flow Simulations. Frontiers in Built Environment, 8, 2022 [DOI][BibTeX]

Ivan Pađen, Ravi Peters, Clara García-Sánchez, and Hugo Ledoux (2024). Automatic high-detailed building reconstruction workflow for urban microscale simulations. Building and Environment, 265, 2024 [DOI][BibTeX]


We would like to acknowledge the authors of the supporting libraries we use in this project: CGAL, CSF, GDAL, LAStools, nlohmann/json, valijson