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Multi Level Cache Benchmark With Gaussian Blur Computation (Integer Key Only)

Hüseyin Tuğrul BÜYÜKIŞIK edited this page Oct 20, 2021 · 10 revisions

This is for single-thread read+write usage scenario. For multithreaded access, either use only getThreadSafe/setThreadSafe method on a lone cache instance (not multi-level) or use the multi level cache and do read-only access. Read-only access is inherently coherent. But writing method requires extra features (to be added later) for multithreading.

FX8150 3.6GHz: Up to 400 million lookups per second

LLC cache hit ratio (read)=0.889111
LLC cache hit ratio (write)=0.0463966
L1 tags = 16384 L2 tags=65536 LLC tags=262144 performance: 3126881009 nanoseconds     (bandwidth = 66.81 MB/s)      (throughput = 59.87 nanoseconds per iteration) 
LLC cache hit ratio (read)=0.89
LLC cache hit ratio (write)=0.11
L1 tags = 32768 L2 tags=131072 LLC tags=524288 performance: 3109395649 nanoseconds     (bandwidth = 67.18 MB/s)      (throughput = 59.54 nanoseconds per iteration) 
LLC cache hit ratio (read)=1.00
LLC cache hit ratio (write)=1.00
L1 tags = 65536 L2 tags=262144 LLC tags=1048576 performance: 2882339512 nanoseconds     (bandwidth = 72.47 MB/s)      (throughput = 55.19 nanoseconds per iteration) 
LLC cache hit ratio (read)=1.00
LLC cache hit ratio (write)=1.00
L1 tags = 131072 L2 tags=524288 LLC tags=2097152 performance: 2852149115 nanoseconds     (bandwidth = 73.24 MB/s)      (throughput = 54.61 nanoseconds per iteration) 
LLC cache hit ratio (read)=1.00
LLC cache hit ratio (write)=1.00
L1 tags = 262144 L2 tags=1048576 LLC tags=4194304 performance: 872660999 nanoseconds     (bandwidth = 239.38 MB/s)      (throughput = 16.71 nanoseconds per iteration) 
LLC cache hit ratio (read)=1.00
LLC cache hit ratio (write)=1.00
L1 tags = 524288 L2 tags=2097152 LLC tags=8388608 performance: 739535392 nanoseconds     (bandwidth = 282.47 MB/s)      (throughput = 14.16 nanoseconds per iteration) 
LLC cache hit ratio (read)=1.00
LLC cache hit ratio (write)=1.00
L1 tags = 1048576 L2 tags=4194304 LLC tags=16777216 performance: 133906416 nanoseconds     (bandwidth = 1560.02 MB/s)      (throughput = 2.56 nanoseconds per iteration) 
LLC cache hit ratio (read)=1.00
LLC cache hit ratio (write)=1.00
L1 tags = 2097152 L2 tags=8388608 LLC tags=33554432 performance: 131743431 nanoseconds     (bandwidth = 1585.63 MB/s)      (throughput = 2.52 nanoseconds per iteration) 
Finished! with cacheScaling=16 at start: up to 750 million lookups per second

LLC cache hit ratio (read)=1
LLC cache hit ratio (write)=1
L1 tags = 262144 L2 tags=1048576 LLC tags=4194304 performance: 590046720 nanoseconds     (bandwidth = 354.03 MB/s)      (throughput = 11.30 nanoseconds per iteration) 
LLC cache hit ratio (read)=1.00
LLC cache hit ratio (write)=1.00
L1 tags = 524288 L2 tags=2097152 LLC tags=8388608 performance: 561319930 nanoseconds     (bandwidth = 372.15 MB/s)      (throughput = 10.75 nanoseconds per iteration) 
LLC cache hit ratio (read)=1.00
LLC cache hit ratio (write)=1.00
L1 tags = 1048576 L2 tags=4194304 LLC tags=16777216 performance: 69739823 nanoseconds     (bandwidth = 2995.37 MB/s)      (throughput = 1.34 nanoseconds per iteration) 

Source code:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <math.h>

#include "LruClockCache.h"
#include "DirectMappedCache.h"
#include "CacheThreader.h"
#include "CpuBenchmarker.h"

int findMandelbrot(double cr, double ci, int max_iterations) {
  int i = 0;
  double zr = 0.0, zi = 0.0;
  while (i < max_iterations && zr * zr + zi * zi < 4.0) {
    double temp = zr * zr - zi * zi + cr;
    zi = 2.0 * zr * zi + ci;
    zr = temp;
  return i;

double mapToReal(int x, int imageWidth, double minR, double maxR) {
  double range = maxR - minR;
  return x * (range / imageWidth) + minR;

double mapToImaginary(int y, int imageHeight, double minI, double maxI) {
  double range = maxI - minI;
  return y * (range / imageHeight) + minI;

int main() {
  // mandelbrot generation + (gaussian blur X5) using a multi-level cache

  using namespace std;

  int imageWidth, imageHeight, maxN;
  double minR, maxR, minI, maxI;

  imageWidth = 1024;
  imageHeight = 1024;
  maxN = 512;
  minR = -1.5;
  maxR = 0.7;
  minI = -1.0;
  maxI = 1.0;

  size_t cacheScaling = 1;
  for (int cacheScalingIter = 0; cacheScalingIter < 8; cacheScalingIter++) {

    cacheScaling *= 2;
    size_t readmiss = 0;
    size_t writemiss = 0;
    size_t read = 0;
    size_t write = 0;
    const int LLCsize = 1024 * 128 * cacheScaling;
    std::vector < int > backingStore(5000000);
    auto LLC = std::make_shared < LruClockCache < int, int >> (LLCsize,
      [ & ](int key) {
        return backingStore[key];
      [ & ](int key, int value) {
        backingStore[key] = value;

    const int L2size = LLCsize / 4;
    const int L1size = L2size / 4; // L1 size has to be integer power of 2 !!!

    CacheThreader < LruClockCache, int, int > cache(LLC, L1size, L2size);

    ofstream output("output_image_scaling" + std::to_string(cacheScaling) + ".ppm",ios::binary);
    output << "P6" << endl;
    output << imageWidth << " " << imageHeight << endl;
    output << "255" << endl;

    for (int i = 0; i < imageHeight; i++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < imageWidth; j++) {
        double cr = mapToReal(j, imageWidth, minR, maxR);
        double ci = mapToImaginary(i, imageHeight, minI, maxI);

        cache.set(i + j * imageWidth, findMandelbrot(cr, ci, maxN));


    // benchmark

      const int nGauss = 9;
      const int GaussianBlurKernel[nGauss] = {
        1,        2,        1,
        2,        4,        2,
        1,        2,        1
      size_t nRepeats = 5;
      size_t nReadsPerIter = nGauss;
      size_t nWritesPerIter = 1;
      size_t totalLookups = nRepeats * (imageHeight - 2) * (imageWidth - 2) * (nReadsPerIter + nWritesPerIter);
      CpuBenchmarker bench(totalLookups * sizeof(int), "L1 tags = " + std::to_string(L1size) + " L2 tags=" + std::to_string(L2size) + " LLC tags=" + std::to_string(LLCsize) + " performance", totalLookups);

      // image softening (may not be accurate)
      // column-major iteration better for the L1 but doesn't matter for L2
      // "nRepeats" iterations better for benchmarking
      // tiled-computing to make even better cache-hit ratio
      for (size_t k = 0; k < nRepeats; k++) {
        for (int tiley = 0; tiley < imageHeight/32; tiley++) {
          for (int tilex = 0; tilex < imageWidth/32; tilex++) {
            for (int jj = 0; jj < 32; jj++) {
              for (int ii = 0; ii < 32; ii++) {
                const int i = tilex * 32 + ii;
                const int j = tiley * 32 + jj;
                if (j >= 1 && j <= imageHeight - 2 && i >= 1 && i <= imageWidth - 2) {
                  unsigned int pixelAccumulator1 = 0;
                  unsigned int pixelAccumulator2 = 0;
                  unsigned int pixelAccumulator3 = 0;

                  pixelAccumulator1 += cache.get(i - 1 + (j - 1) * imageWidth) * GaussianBlurKernel[-1 + 1 + (-1 + 1) * 3];
                  pixelAccumulator2 += cache.get(i + 0 + (j - 1) * imageWidth) * GaussianBlurKernel[+0 + 1 + (-1 + 1) * 3];
                  pixelAccumulator3 += cache.get(i + 1 + (j - 1) * imageWidth) * GaussianBlurKernel[+1 + 1 + (-1 + 1) * 3];

                  pixelAccumulator1 += cache.get(i - 1 + (j - 0) * imageWidth) * GaussianBlurKernel[-1 + 1 + (-0 + 1) * 3];
                  pixelAccumulator2 += cache.get(i + 0 + (j - 0) * imageWidth) * GaussianBlurKernel[+0 + 1 + (-0 + 1) * 3];
                  pixelAccumulator3 += cache.get(i + 1 + (j - 0) * imageWidth) * GaussianBlurKernel[+1 + 1 + (-0 + 1) * 3];

                  pixelAccumulator1 += cache.get(i - 1 + (j + 1) * imageWidth) * GaussianBlurKernel[-1 + 1 + (+1 + 1) * 3];
                  pixelAccumulator2 += cache.get(i + 0 + (j + 1) * imageWidth) * GaussianBlurKernel[+0 + 1 + (+1 + 1) * 3];
                  pixelAccumulator3 += cache.get(i + 1 + (j + 1) * imageWidth) * GaussianBlurKernel[+1 + 1 + (+1 + 1) * 3];

                  const int n = (pixelAccumulator1 + pixelAccumulator2 + pixelAccumulator3) >> 4;
                  cache.set(i + j * imageWidth, n);

                  read += 9;

      std::cout << "LLC cache hit ratio (read)=" << (read - readmiss) / (float) read << std::endl;
      std::cout << "LLC cache hit ratio (write)=" << (write - writemiss) / (float) write << std::endl;
    for (int i = 0; i < imageHeight; i++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < imageWidth; j++) {

        int n = cache.get(i + j * imageWidth);

        int r = ((int) sqrt(n) % 256);
        int gr = (2 * n % 256);
        int b = (n % 256);
        output << (char) r << (char) gr << (char) b;

    cout << "Finished!" << endl;

    cache.flush(); // every thread needs to call flush on its own CacheThreader object after work is complete
    LLC->flush();   // only call from main thread that owns the LLC
  return 0;