The library for compile and evaluate custom expressions. Implementation for .NET Standard 2.0.
Install with Package Manager:
Install-Package TurboYang.Dynamic.Expression
String expression = @"(1 + 2) * 3 / 3;";
ExpressionCompiler compiler = new ExpressionCompiler();
ExpressionContext context = new ExpressionContext();
Decimal result = compiler.Evaluate<Decimal>(expression, context); // result == 3
String expression = @"(x + y) * z;";
ExpressionCompiler compiler = new ExpressionCompiler();
ExpressionContext context = new ExpressionContext();
context.Bind("x", 1);
context.Bind("y", 2);
context.Bind("z", 3);
Int32 result = compiler.Evaluate<Int32>(expression, context); // result == 9
You can also bind parameters through anonymous class.
String expression = @"(x + y) * z;";
ExpressionCompiler compiler = new ExpressionCompiler();
ExpressionContext context = new ExpressionContext(new
x = 1,
y = 2,
z = 3
Int32 result = compiler.Evaluate<Int32>(expression, context); // result == 9
String expression = @"Pow(2, 3);";
ExpressionCompiler compiler = new ExpressionCompiler();
ExpressionContext context = new ExpressionContext();
Decimal result = compiler.Evaluate<Decimal>(expression, context); // result == 8
String expression = @"PI * Pow(r, 2);";
ExpressionCompiler compiler = new ExpressionCompiler();
ExpressionContext context = new ExpressionContext(new
r = 10;
Decimal result = compiler.Evaluate<Decimal>(expression, context); // result == 314.159265358979
String expression = @"x = a + b; y = c + d; x * y";
ExpressionCompiler compiler = new ExpressionCompiler();
ExpressionContext context = new ExpressionContext(new
a = 1,
b = 2,
c = 3,
d = 4
Int32 result = compiler.Evaluate<Int32>(expression, context); // result == 21
You can call ExpressionContext.Lookup
Method to get the intervening variable value.
Int32 x = context.Lookup<Int32>("x"); // 3
Int32 y = context.Lookup<Int32>("y"); // 7
You can customize your functions, such as defining a function(Circumference
) to calculate the circumference of a circle.
public class CircumferenceExpression : FunctionExpression
public override Int32 ParameterCount => 1;
protected override String Name => "Circumference";
public override Object Evaluate(ExpressionContext context)
// Please do not remove this code
return 2 * (Decimal)Math.PI * OperandValues[0];
Then register and evaluate your function expression.
String expression = @"Circumference(r)";
ExpressionCompiler compiler = new ExpressionCompiler();
ExpressionContext context = new ExpressionContext(new
r = 1
Decimal result = compiler.Evaluate<Decimal>(expression, context); // result == 6.28318530717958
Expression | Symbol | Example |
Addition | + | x + y |
Subtraction | - | x - y |
Multiply | * | x * y |
Division | / | x / y |
Modulus | % | x % y |
Left Shift | << | x << y |
Right Shift | >> | x >> y |
Left Parenthese | ( | (x + y) * z |
Right Parenthese | ) | (x + y) * z |
Bitwise And | & | x & y |
Bitwise Or | | | x | y |
Exclusive Or | ^ | x ^ y |
And | && | x && y |
Or | || | x || y |
Break | ; | x + y; |
Comma | , | Pow(x, y) |
True | true | x == true |
False | false | x == false |
Equality | == | x == y |
Inequality | != | x != y |
Less Than | < | x < y |
Less Than Or Equal | <= | x <= y |
Greater Than | > | x > y |
Greater Than Or Equal | >= | x >= y |
Pow | Pow() | Pow(x, y) |
Numeric | 3.14 | |
String | "Hello world!" | |
Variable | x | |
PI Ratio | PI | PI |
Euler's Number | E | E |