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Tracker CRM by Turing School of Software and Design


This app is a Rails backend API for a job tracking CRM tool.


Rails 7.1.5 Ruby 3.2.2

bundle install

rails db:create
rails db:migrate
rails db:seed

This app will run on port 3001 locally.


This app uses RSpec for testing.

bundle exec rspec

API Documentation


Create a User

New users require a unique email address and a matching password and password confirmation.


POST /api/v1/users

  "name": "John Doe",
  "email": "",
  "password": "password",
  "password_confirmation": "password"

Successful Response:

Status: 201 Created
Body: {
  "data": {
    "id": "4",
    "type": "user",
    "attributes": {
      "name": "John Doe",
      "email": ""

Error Responses:

Status: 400 Bad Request
Body: {
  "message": "Email has already been taken",
  "status": 400
Status: 400 Bad Request
Body: {
  "message": "Password confirmation doesn't match Password",
  "status": 400

Get All Users


GET /api/v1/users

Successful Response:

Status: 200 OK
Body: {
  "data": [
      "id": "1",
      "type": "user",
      "attributes": {
        "name": "Danny DeVito",
        "email": "danny_de_v"
      "id": "4",
      "type": "user",
      "attributes": {
        "name": "John Doe",
        "email": ""

Get a User


GET /api/v1/users/:id

Successful Response:

Status: 200 OK
Body: {
  "data": {
    "id": "3",
    "type": "user",
    "attributes": {
      "name": "Lionel Messi",
      "email": "futbol_geek"

Update a user


PUT /api/v1/users/:id

  "name": "John Doe",
  "email": "",
  "password": "password",
  "password_confirmation": "password"

Successful Response:

Status: 200 OK
Body: {
  "data": {
    "id": "4",
    "type": "user",
    "attributes": {
      "name": "Nathan Fillon",
      "email": "firefly_captian"

Error Responses:

Status: 400 Bad Request
Body: {
  "message": "Email has already been taken",
  "status": 400
Status: 400 Bad Request
Body: {
  "message": "Password confirmation doesn't match Password",
  "status": 400

Create a Session (Login)


POST /api/v1/sessions

  "email": "",
  "password": "password"

Successful Response:

Status: 200 OK

Body: {
    "data": {
        "id": "4",
        "type": "user",
        "attributes": {
            "name": "John Doe",
            "email": ""

Error Response:

Status: 401 Unauthorized

Body: {
    "message": "Invalid login credentials",
    "status": 401

Job Applications

Fetch all Job Applications for a user


GET /api/v1/users/:user_id/job_applications


  "Authorization": "Bearer <your_token_here>"

Successful Response:

Status: 200

    "data": [
            "id": "1",
            "type": "job_application",
            "attributes": {
                "position_title": "Jr. CTO",
                "date_applied": "2024-10-31",
                "status": 1,
                "notes": "Fingers crossed!",
                "job_description": "Looking for Turing grad/jr dev to be CTO",
                "application_url": "",
                "contact_information": "",
                "company_id": 1,
                "company_name": "Google"
            "id": "3",
            "type": "job_application",
            "attributes": {
                "position_title": "Backend Developer",
                "date_applied": "2024-08-20",
                "status": 2,
                "notes": "Had a technical interview, awaiting decision.",
                "job_description": "Developing RESTful APIs and optimizing server performance.",
                "application_url": "",
                "contact_information": "",
                "company_id": 3,
                "company_name": "Amazon"

Error Response if no token provided:

Status: 401 Unauthorized

Body: {
    "message": "Invalid login credentials",
    "status": 401

Create a Job Application


POST /api/v1/users/:user_id/job_applications


  "Authorization": "Bearer <your_token_here>"


Body: {
        position_title: "Jr. CTO",
        date_applied: "2024-10-31",
        status: 1,
        notes: "Fingers crossed!",
        job_description: "Looking for Turing grad/jr dev to be CTO",
        application_url: "",
        contact_information: "",
        company_id: id_1

Successful Response:

Status: 200

    {:position_title=>"Jr. CTO",
      :notes=>"Fingers crossed!",
      :job_description=>"Looking for Turing grad/jr dev to be CTO",

Unsuccessful Response:

{:message=>"Company must exist and Position title can't be blank", :status=>400}

Get a Job Application


GET /api/v1/users/:user_id/job_applications/:job_application_id

Successful Response:

  "data": {
    "id": "3",
    "type": "job_application",
    "attributes": {
      "position_title": "Backend Developer",
      "date_applied": "2024-08-20",
      "status": 2,
      "notes": "Had a technical interview, awaiting decision.",
      "job_description": "Developing RESTful APIs and optimizing server performance.",
      "application_url": "",
      "company_id": 3,
      "company_name": "Creative Solutions Inc.",
      "contacts": [
          "id": 3,
          "first_name": "Michael",
          "last_name": "Johnson",
          "email": "",
          "phone_number": "123-555-9012",
          "notes": "Hiring manager at Creative Solutions Inc."

Unsuccessful Response(job application does not exist OR belongs to another user):

  "message": "Job application not found",
  "status": 404

If the user is not authenticated:

  "message": "Unauthorized request",
  "status": 401

Unsuccessful Response(pre-existing application for user):

{:message=>"Application url You already have an application with this URL", :status=>400}


Get login credentials


POST /api/v1/sessions

  "email": "",
  "password": "password"

Successful Response:

Status: 200 OK

This response will have a token like this:

Body: {
    "data": {
        "id": "4",
        "type": "user",
        "attributes": {
            "name": "John Doe",
            "email": ""

Error Response if no token provided:

Status: 401 Unauthorized

Body: {
    "message": "Invalid login credentials",
    "status": 401

Create a company


post "/api/v1/users/userid/companies" 

Add the bearer token to the auth tab in postman and will be able to create a company now for that specific user. Make sure to have the token for that user.

raw json body: 
  "name": "New Company",
  "website": "",
  "street_address": "123 Main St",
  "city": "New York",
  "state": "NY",
  "zip_code": "10001",
  "notes": "This is a new company."

Successful Response:

Status: 201 created

"data": {
        "id": "1",
        "type": "company",
        "attributes": {
            "name": "New Company",
            "website": "",
            "street_address": "123 Main St",
            "city": "New York",
            "state": "NY",
            "zip_code": "10001",
            "notes": "This is a new company."

Error response - missing params


    "name": "", 
    "website": "", 
    "street_address": "410 Terry Ave N", 
    "city": "Seattle", 
    "state": "WA", 
    "zip_code": "98109", 
    "notes": "E-commerce"


    "message": "Name can't be blank",
    "status": 422

Get all companies


GET /api/v1/users/userid/companies

Authorization: Bearer Token - put in token for user

Successful Response:

    "data": [
            "id": "1",
            "type": "company",
            "attributes": {
                "name": "Google",
                "website": "",
                "street_address": "1600 Amphitheatre Parkway",
                "city": "Mountain View",
                "state": "CA",
                "zip_code": "94043",
                "notes": "Search engine"
            "id": "2",
            "type": "company",
            "attributes": {
                "name": "New Company122",
                "website": "",
                "street_address": "122 Main St",
                "city": "New York11",
                "state": "NY11",
                "zip_code": "10001111",
                "notes": "This is a new company111."

User with no companies:

    "data": [],
    "message": "No companies found"

No token or bad token response

    "error": "Not authenticated"


Get login credentials:
Refer to Companies "Get login credentials" above

Get all contacts for a user


GET /api/v1/users/:user_id/contacts

Authorization: Bearer Token - put in token for user

Successful Response:

  "data": [
      "id": "1",
      "type": "contacts",
      "attributes": {
        "first_name": "John",
        "last_name": "Smith",
        "company": "Turing",
        "email": "",
        "phone_number": "(123) 555-6789",
        "notes": "Type notes here...",
        "user_id": 4
    "id": "2",
    "type": "contacts",
    "attributes": {
      "first_name": "Jane",
      "last_name": "Smith",
      "company": "Turing",
      "email": "",
      "phone_number": "(123) 555-6789",
      "notes": "Type notes here...",
      "user_id": 4

Successful response for users without saved contacts:

  "data": [],
  "message": "No contacts found"

Create a contact with required and optional fields.

New contacts require a unique first and last name. All other fields are optional.


POST /api/v1/users/:user_id/contacts
Authorization: Bearer Token - put in token for user

raw json body with all fields: 

  "contact": {
    "first_name": "Jonny",
    "last_name": "Smith",
    "company_id": 1,
    "email": "",
    "phone_number": "555-785-5555",
    "notes": "Good contact for XYZ",
    "user_id": 7

Successful Response:

Status: 201 created

    "data": {
        "id": "5",
        "type": "contacts",
        "attributes": {
            "first_name": "Jonny",
            "last_name": "Smith",
            "company_id": 1,
            "email": "",
            "phone_number": "555-785-5555",
            "notes": "Good contact for XYZ",
            "user_id": 7

Create a contact with a company name from the dropdown box

New contacts with company name require a unique first and last name, and company ID in the URI. All other fields are optional.


POST api/v1/users/:user_id/companies/:company_id/contacts

Authorization: Bearer Token - put in token for user

raw json body with all fields: 

    "data": [
            "id": "1",
            "type": "contacts",
            "attributes": {
                "first_name": "Jane",
                "last_name": "Doe",
                "company_id": 2,
                "email": "",
                "phone_number": "",
                "notes": "",
                "user_id": 2,
                "company": {
                    "id": 2,
                    "name": "Future Designs LLC",
                    "website": "",
                    "street_address": "456 Future Blvd",
                    "city": "Austin",
                    "state": "TX",
                    "zip_code": "73301",
                    "notes": "Submitted application for the UI Designer role."

Contact Errors

401 Error Response if no token provided:

Status: 401 Unauthorized

Body: {
    "message": "Invalid login credentials",
    "status": 401

422 Error Response Unprocessable Entity: Missing Required Fields If required fields like first_name or last_name are missing:


POST /api/v1/users/:user_id/contacts
Authorization: Bearer Token - put in token for user

raw json body:

  "contact": {
    "first_name": "Jonny",
    "last_name": ""

Error response - 422 Unprocessable Entity

    "error": "Last name can't be blank"

Error response - invalid email format


  "contact": {
    "first_name": "Johnny",
    "last_name": "Smith",
    "email": "invalid-email"

Response: 422 Unprocessable Entity

    "error": "Email must be a valid email address"

Error response - invalid phone number format


  "contact": {
    "first_name": "Johnny",
    "last_name": "Smith",
    "email": "invalid-email"

Response: 422 Unprocessable Entity

    "error": "Phone number must be in the format '555-555-5555'"

User Dashboard

Get login credentials:
Refer to Companies "Get login credentials" above

Make sure to not only create/login a user, but to have that user also create a Company/Job Application/Contact for your Postman scripts. Refer to above endpoints to do so and make sure that user is the one creating the other resources

Get Dashboard


GET /api/v1/users/:user_id/dashboard

Authorization: Bearer Token - put in token for user

Successful Response:

    "data": {
        "id": "5",
        "type": "dashboard",
        "attributes": {
            "id": 5,
            "name": "Danny DeVito",
            "email": "",
            "dashboard": {
                "weekly_summary": {
                    "job_applications": [
                            "id": 1,
                            "position_title": "Jr. CTO",
                            "date_applied": "2024-10-31",
                            "status": 1,
                            "notes": "Fingers crossed!",
                            "job_description": "Looking for Turing grad/jr dev to be CTO",
                            "application_url": "",
                            "contact_information": "",
                            "created_at": "2024-12-14T17:20:41.979Z",
                            "updated_at": "2024-12-14T17:20:41.979Z",
                            "company_id": 1,
                            "user_id": 5
                            "id": 2,
                            "position_title": " CTO",
                            "date_applied": "2024-10-31",
                            "status": 2,
                            "notes": "Fingers crossed!",
                            "job_description": "Looking for Turing grad/jr dev to be CTO",
                            "application_url": "",
                            "contact_information": "",
                            "created_at": "2024-12-14T17:37:28.465Z",
                            "updated_at": "2024-12-14T17:37:28.465Z",
                            "company_id": 2,
                            "user_id": 5
                    "contacts": [
                            "id": 1,
                            "first_name": "Jonny",
                            "last_name": "Smith",
                            "email": "",
                            "phone_number": "555-785-5555",
                            "notes": "Good contact for XYZ",
                            "created_at": "2024-12-14T17:55:21.875Z",
                            "updated_at": "2024-12-14T17:55:21.875Z",
                            "user_id": 5,
                            "company_id": 1
                            "id": 2,
                            "first_name": "Josnny",
                            "last_name": "Smsith",
                            "email": "",
                            "phone_number": "555-785-5555",
                            "notes": "Good contact for XYZ",
                            "created_at": "2024-12-15T01:57:14.557Z",
                            "updated_at": "2024-12-15T01:57:14.557Z",
                            "user_id": 5,
                            "company_id": 1
                    "companies": [
                            "id": 1,
                            "user_id": 5,
                            "name": "New Company",
                            "website": "",
                            "street_address": "123 Main St",
                            "city": "New York",
                            "state": "NY",
                            "zip_code": "10001",
                            "notes": "This is a new company.",
                            "created_at": "2024-12-14T17:20:10.909Z",
                            "updated_at": "2024-12-14T17:20:10.909Z"
                            "id": 2,
                            "user_id": 5,
                            "name": "New Company1",
                            "website": "",
                            "street_address": "1231 Main St",
                            "city": "New York",
                            "state": "NY",
                            "zip_code": "10001",
                            "notes": "This is a new company1.",
                            "created_at": "2024-12-14T17:37:24.153Z",
                            "updated_at": "2024-12-14T17:37:24.153Z"

Authentication, User Roles, and Authorization

  • Authentication is handled by the JWT(Json Web Token) Gem

  • User Roles is handled by the Rolify Gem

  • Authorization is enforced by the Pundit Gem

  • Installation

    1. Pull the latest changes to your branch git pull origin main resolve merge conflicts
    2. Bundle Install and Migrate bundle install then rails db:migrate
    3. Run bundle exec rspec spec/ and note what requests tests are now failing
    4. Refactor controllers, their associated _spec.rb files. Make policies for corresponding controllers (app/policies/_policy.rb) and test policies
    5. Use examples in UserPolicy, ApplicationPolicy, UsersController, ApplicationController and all corresponding spec files.
  • Important Schema Note

    • This branch introduces 2 new tables to our db schema - roles and users_roles that were generated by Rolify:

      • roles table has name, resouce_type and resource_id. Name string is the name of the role and can either be ["admin"] OR ["user"]. Resource type string is an optional polymorphic association that specifies the type of resource the role applies to (company, job, contact).
        • Whenever a user is created, they are automatically assigned a role[:name] of ["user"]
      • users_roles is a join table for the many-to-many relationship between users and roles.
  • We now use JSON Web Tokens for user authentication. Here's what to know:

    • Key Concepts

      • Token-Based Authentication
        • Upon login, a JWT is issued to the registered user.
        • The token must be included in the Headers for every authenticated request in Postman.
          • Authorization: Bearer <jwt_token>
        • The token encodes a payload that contains:
          • User's id
          • User's role (either "admin" or "user")
          • Tokens expiration time (24 hours after issue)
      • Changes made in Codebase
        • ApplicationController now has 2 new methods:
          • authenticate_user ensures tokens validity and corresponds to a logged-in user.
          • decoded_token(token) to extract info from token
          • All controllers will inherit this logic.
        • SessionsController
          • Handles login and session creation
          • #create action:
            • Verifies user's credentials
            • generate_token(payload) generates an encoded JWT using above-mentioned payload
            • Sends the token back in the response
  • Understanding the Rolify Gem

    Rolify simplifies the management of user roles by introducing a flexible, role-based system. This gem created the roles and users_roles tables.

    • Key Concepts

      • When a new user is created, they are automatically assigned the user role.
      • Methods in user.rb created as querying and setting shortcuts:
        • assign_default_role is called to set a user's role to :user upon a new instance of User being created. All new users will get role :user.
        • is_admin? and/or is_user? queries any user's role
        • set_role(role_name) assigns a specific role to a user(e.g user1.set_role(:admin) will set a user to the :admin role)
      • For future scalability, polymorphic roles can be scoped to specific users. For example, we can add in a :moderator role in the future that would be an :admin for only the company table. Enabled by resource_type and resource_id fields in roles table.
    • Usage in Codebase

      • In your models where roles are needed (e.g., User, Company), use: resourcify at the top of the class(near validations/relations) to make the model "role-aware" and capable of interacting with Rolify
      • Use above-mentioned methods in user.rb to query and set user roles.
    • How this affected the Codebase

      • UsersController now leverages roles to restrict access. For example, only an :admin can view all users (subject to change, ofc)
      • ApplicationPolicy Includes logic to ensure actions are authorized based on roles.
      • Affects RSpec testing to test role-based permitted controller actions (see index_spec.rb ln:7 for an example)
  • Understanding the Pundit Gem

    Pundit enforces authorization through policy classes and ensures that only authorized users can perform specific actions. To fully understand Pundit, you must understand what a policy is:

    • A policy is a PORO that defines the rules governing what actions a user is authorized to perform on a resource (e.g., User, Job, Company). Each policy corresponds to a model's controller and centralizes the access control logic for that resource.

    • I have set up UserPolicy for it's corresponding UsersController as a template for all to use. UserPolicy restricts which CRUD actions a user can use depending on that user's role. All of Users associated request spec files have also been refactored to pass and are a template for you.

    • Key Concepts

      • Policy Classes as mentioned above define an action a user can take
        • stored in app/policies and inherit from ApplicationPolicy
        • Policies are then passed to ApplicationController via include Pundit::Authorization ln:2. Remember that all controllers inherit from ApplicationController unless explicitly told not to.
      • Authorization Logic
        • Authorization is defined in methods corresponding to controller actions (e.g., create?, update?).
        • ApplicationPolicy provides a default template where ALL actions are unauthorized by default.
        • Use UserPolicy (and it's associated spec file for testing) as a template for making your controller's policies.
      • Scoping
        • Policies include a nested Scope class (see UserPolicy) to define which records a user can access when retrieving a collection.
    • Usage in Codebase

      • Use the authorize method IN your controller action code blocks to enforce policy checks (see UsersController ln: 5, 15, 21, 28 for examples. Yes, it is THAT easy :))
      • If a user is unauthorized, Pundit raises a Pundit::NotAuthorizedError in your console RSpec testing suite.
      • For testing, refer to user_policy_spec.rb as a template. Note that ln:3 subject { described_class } subject == UserPolicy
      • Policies integrate with Rolify to check user roles

    In conclusion

      - JWT secures the app by ensuring only authenticated users can access resources.
      - Rolify manages who can act (roles), while Pundit manages what they can do (authorization).
      - Refactoring controllers and policies is critical to aligning with this new system.
      - Ensure all tests are updated to reflect these changes, including controller specs and new policy tests.
      - It is up to you, as you develop to keep in mind what actions users are authorized to take.  :Admin role users should be authorized to do anything.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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