Generate funky cellular automata based on simple equations. Explore number theory. Make art. Create psychedelic icons. Help me learn good Julia!
`` using Pkg; Pkg.add("Colonies") # THIS DOES NOT WORK YET!!! using Colonies
generatemany(10,10,50,50,true,limit=100) # To create 100 images based on random pairs of a 3x3 mask with a filter. ``
Output will appear as PNG files in "img//repeat|regular" where is a 6-digit string, below the current directory. This would create ~ 500,000 files if left to run unlimited. But limits are good. So do this:
-- OR --
The randedge option introduces a one-pixel thick edge of randomly generated 0:1 cells on top of an all white canvas. Think "random picture frame".
-- OR --
Regenerate the given file, putting it into a possibly non-existant directory,
The new dimensions are 20 cells x 50 pixels/cell = 1000 pixels in each direction (x and y)
The resulting image will be a 1000 x 1000 grayscale PNG.
-- OR --
Regenerate the given cool file (which is required to have been created in Colonies) as an MPEG 4 grayscale video
with framerate = 12 fps, putting the result file into a new directory, "resultdir". The filename will be
"colony4j-NNNN.mp4" where NNNN is a long UUID string. For now, only grayscale is supported.