-- ( ) Worth --- ( ) How much will be traded to achieve goal? ---- ( ) Prevention ---- ( ) Intervention ---- ( ) Remediation -- ( ) Human Life? --- ( ) Age --- ( ) Race --- ( ) Financial Status --- ( ) Disability --- ( ) Gender/sexuality --- ( ) Location --- ( ) Viewpoints --- ( ) Intelligence -- ( ) Government --- ( ) Which Government ---- ( ) Which Money? ----- ( ) Currency ----- ( ) Time/Inflation
-- Premise: An analysis of a governments actions will reveal how much they have spent to prevent death, save lives, and pay remediation. -- Premise: How much a government spends to prevent death ,save human lives and remediation is a function of how much they value human life. -- Conclusion: An analysis of a governments actions will reveal how much they value human life.
-- Statement: Each evaluated action must have a cost, an estimated impact, a date and a location.
-- Process: --- For each action: ---- Find cost in dollars (adjust for inflation here?) ---- Find estimated impact in lives saved/deaths prevented/ ---- find cost per person in remediation ---- calculate amount per life = ((dollars/lives)+remediation per person)/2 ---- output amount per life --- calculate avg amount per life = Sum amounts/num of actions ----- output avg amount per life (adjust for time or here?, and add location/demo data) -- Anchor: Evaluate how bad the human death problem is in key areas --- Traffic collisions --- Illness ---- Mental ---- Physical --- Violence --- Non Vehicular Accidents --- Natural Disasters --- workplace --- SUD --- Substance OD --- Lifestyle --- Old Age --- Medical Errros --- pregnancy related --- environemt exposire/hunger
-- A government who sees this criteria could hypothetically spend lots of money on programs, and intentionally undervalue the impact to appear to care more about the lives than they do. -- A government might be bad at estimating and get a better or worse score based on an unrelated skill. --- Solution: Measure actual lives saved/deaths prevented.
-- Complicating Question: If a government spends money to save lives but it doesn't work, does that impact how much they value that problem? -- Complicating Question: If achieving any goal is a function of motivation to achieve and ability to achieve, then if a government is highly motivated to save human lives, would that also motiivate them to become more effective agents even if in short term it costs lives.