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Job service

1. Requirements

  • Golang 1.16.x
  • Postgres (Database)
  • Redis (Queue)
  • Docker
  • Docker Compose

2. Quick start

Run with default:

docker-compose up

Run with scale worker:

docker-compose up --scale job-worker=4

3. Architecture

I separate the API and worker for some reason:

  • API server will receive job request from the user, save to database and send to queue.
  • Worker will consume messages from the queue and execute the job.
  • We can develop and deploy the API server and worker independently.
  • Modify and deploy API server will not require redeploy worker instance.
  • API server and worker can scale independently.

Jobs have four statuses:

  • created: When the job was created.
  • running: When workers claim and processing job.
  • success: When the job was success.
  • failed: When the job was failed or exceed the timeout.

System flow:

  • When the user sends create request to the server, the server will respond a job_id.
  • Server saves the job to the database and sends it to the queue.
  • Workers claim the job and mark the job success or failed.

Design thinking:

  • I use Redis for queue and Postgresql for persistent.
  • Jobs with the same object_id in time windows of 5 minutes will return the same job_id.
  • When workers consume messages from Redis Queue. It begins a transaction, claims the job for execution, sets job status to running. And set job status to success or failed when done. So the worker can rerun the job event when crash/restart.
  • Job execution timeout will be set by env JOB_TIMEOUT in seconds.
  • The env prefetch limit JOB_PREFETCH is a limited number of jobs that a worker can reserve for itself.

4. API desgin:

Create Job API

curl --location --request POST 'localhost:3000/v1/jobs' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "object_id": 1

Get Job API

curl --location --request GET 'localhost:3000/v1/jobs/1'

5. Database:

Database schema:

"id" serial PRIMARY KEY,
"object_id" integer NOT NULL,
"status" text NOT NULL,
"start_time" timestamp(6),
"end_time" timestamp(6),
"message" TEXT,
"created_at" timestamp(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT timezone('utc'::text, now())

start_time is the time when the job was claimed. end_time is the time when the job was done. message will store an error message when the job was failed or the job exceeds the timeout message.

6. Code Structure:

└─── cmd   // commands and DI
└─── db     // migrations
└─── config // configuration
└─── jobs   // main logic
└─── utils
│   Dockerfile   
│   docker-compose.yml
│   main.go

7. Run tests:

Run tests will require docker to create Postgresql and Redis containers.

go test -v ./...


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