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tvillegas98 committed Oct 14, 2021
1 parent 8d3e463 commit 5b37f34
Showing 1 changed file with 71 additions and 78 deletions.
149 changes: 71 additions & 78 deletions 2- CodigoRepetido/
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Expand Up @@ -16,143 +16,136 @@ Error subclass: #NotFound

!classDefinition: #CustomerBookTest category: 'CodigoRepetido-Ejercicio'!
TestCase subclass: #CustomerBookTest
instanceVariableNames: ''
instanceVariableNames: 'johnLennon ringoStarr paulMcCartney customerBook'
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'CodigoRepetido-Ejercicio'!

!CustomerBookTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'TV 10/13/2021 23:10:15'!
!CustomerBookTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'TV 10/14/2021 16:19:08'!
johnLennon := 'John Lennon'.
ringoStarr := 'Ringo Starr'.
paulMcCartney := 'Paul McCartney'.! !

!CustomerBookTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'TV 10/14/2021 17:28:40'!

| customerBook runningTime |
| runningTime |

customerBook := CustomerBook new.
runningTime:= self getRunningTimeOf: [customerBook addCustomerNamed: 'John Lennon'.].

self assert: runningTime < (50 * millisecond)
runningTime := Time millisecondsToRun: (self closureAddCustomerNamed: johnLennon).
self assert: runningTime < (50 * millisecond).

! !

!CustomerBookTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'TV 10/13/2021 23:37:47'!
!CustomerBookTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'TV 10/14/2021 17:29:10'!
| customerBook runningTime |
| runningTime |

customerBook := CustomerBook withCustomerNamed: 'Paul McCartney'.
runningTime := self getRunningTimeOf: [customerBook removeCustomerNamed: 'Paul McCartney' ].
customerBook := CustomerBook withCustomerNamed: paulMcCartney .
runningTime := Time millisecondsToRun: (self closureRemoveCustomerNamed: paulMcCartney).
self assert: runningTime < (100 * millisecond)

! !

!CustomerBookTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'TV 10/13/2021 23:56:28'!
!CustomerBookTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'TV 10/14/2021 17:39:34'!
| customerBook closure action |

customerBook := CustomerBook new.
closure := [customerBook addCustomerNamed: ''].
action := [ :anError |
self assert: anError messageText = CustomerBook customerCanNotBeEmptyErrorMessage.
self assert: customerBook isEmpty ].

self closureThatMustFail: closure withError: Error atErrorDo: action.! !
self closureThatMustFail: (self closureAddCustomerNamed: '') withError: Error atErrorDo: (self actionAtEmptyCustomerError ).! !

!CustomerBookTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'TV 10/13/2021 23:55:57'!
!CustomerBookTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'TV 10/14/2021 17:32:20'!
| customerBook closure action |
customerBook := CustomerBook withCustomerNamed: 'John Lennon'.
closure := [customerBook removeCustomerNamed: 'Paul McCartney'.].
action := [:anError |
self assert: customerBook numberOfCustomers = 1.
self assert: (customerBook includesCustomerNamed: 'John Lennon')].
customerBook := CustomerBook withCustomerNamed: johnLennon .

self closureThatMustFail: closure withError: NotFound atErrorDo: action.! !
self closureThatMustFail: (self closureRemoveCustomerNamed: paulMcCartney) withError: NotFound atErrorDo: (self checkIfNumberOfCustomersIs: 1 withCustomer: johnLennon).
.! !

!CustomerBookTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'TV 10/13/2021 23:37:47'!
!CustomerBookTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'TV 10/14/2021 17:20:05'!

| customerBook |

customerBook := CustomerBook withCustomerNamed: 'Paul McCartney'.
customerBook := CustomerBook withCustomerNamed: paulMcCartney .

customerBook suspendCustomerNamed: 'Paul McCartney'.
customerBook suspendCustomerNamed: paulMcCartney.

self checkValuesOf: customerBook expectedActiveCustomers: 0 expectedSuspendedCustomers: 1 expectedCustomers: 1.
self assert: (customerBook includesCustomerNamed: 'Paul McCartney').
self checkIfexpectedActiveCustomersAre: 0 andExpectedSuspendedCustomersAre: 1.
self assert: (customerBook includesCustomerNamed: paulMcCartney).

! !

!CustomerBookTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'TV 10/13/2021 23:37:46'!
!CustomerBookTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'TV 10/14/2021 17:20:05'!

| customerBook |

customerBook := CustomerBook withCustomerNamed: 'Paul McCartney'.
customerBook := CustomerBook withCustomerNamed: paulMcCartney .

customerBook suspendCustomerNamed: 'Paul McCartney'.
customerBook removeCustomerNamed: 'Paul McCartney'.
customerBook suspendCustomerNamed:paulMcCartney.
customerBook removeCustomerNamed: paulMcCartney.

self checkValuesOf: customerBook expectedActiveCustomers: 0 expectedSuspendedCustomers: 0 expectedCustomers: 0.
self deny: (customerBook includesCustomerNamed: 'Paul McCartney').
self checkIfexpectedActiveCustomersAre: 0 andExpectedSuspendedCustomersAre: 0.
self deny: (customerBook includesCustomerNamed: paulMcCartney).

! !

!CustomerBookTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'TV 10/13/2021 23:49:27'!
!CustomerBookTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'TV 10/14/2021 17:33:49'!

| customerBook action closure |

customerBook := CustomerBook withCustomerNamed: 'John Lennon'.
closure := [customerBook suspendCustomerNamed: 'Ringo Starr'].
action := [ :anError |
self assert: customerBook numberOfCustomers = 1.
self assert: (customerBook includesCustomerNamed: 'John Lennon') ].
customerBook := CustomerBook withCustomerNamed: johnLennon .

self closureThatMustFail: closure withError: CantSuspend atErrorDo: action.! !
self closureThatMustFail: (self closureSuspendCustomerNamed: ringoStarr) withError: CantSuspend atErrorDo: (self checkIfNumberOfCustomersIs: 1 withCustomer: johnLennon).
! !

!CustomerBookTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'TV 10/13/2021 23:59:25'!
!CustomerBookTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'TV 10/14/2021 17:35:03'!

| customerBook closure action |
customerBook := CustomerBook withCustomerNamed: 'John Lennon'.
customerBook suspendCustomerNamed: 'John Lennon'.

closure := [customerBook suspendCustomerNamed: 'John Lennon'].
action := [ :anError |
self assert: customerBook numberOfCustomers = 1.
self assert: (customerBook includesCustomerNamed: 'John Lennon') ].
customerBook := CustomerBook withCustomerNamed: johnLennon .
customerBook suspendCustomerNamed: johnLennon.

self closureThatMustFail: closure withError: CantSuspend atErrorDo: action.
self closureThatMustFail: (self closureSuspendCustomerNamed: johnLennon) withError: CantSuspend atErrorDo: (self checkIfNumberOfCustomersIs: 1 withCustomer: johnLennon).
! !

!CustomerBookTest methodsFor: 'testHelpers' stamp: 'TV 10/13/2021 23:28:05'!
checkValuesOf: customerBook expectedActiveCustomers: activeCustomers expectedSuspendedCustomers: suspendedCustomers expectedCustomers: customers
!CustomerBookTest methodsFor: 'test helpers' stamp: 'TV 10/14/2021 17:38:53'!
^[ :anError |
self assert: anError messageText = CustomerBook customerCanNotBeEmptyErrorMessage.
self assert: customerBook isEmpty ].! !

!CustomerBookTest methodsFor: 'test helpers' stamp: 'TV 10/14/2021 17:06:16'!
checkIfNumberOfCustomersIs: numberOfCustomers withCustomer: customerName
^[ :anError |
self assert: customerBook numberOfCustomers = numberOfCustomers.
self assert: (customerBook includesCustomerNamed: customerName)].! !

!CustomerBookTest methodsFor: 'test helpers' stamp: 'TV 10/14/2021 17:20:05'!
checkIfexpectedActiveCustomersAre: activeCustomers andExpectedSuspendedCustomersAre: suspendedCustomers
self assert: activeCustomers equals: customerBook numberOfActiveCustomers.
self assert: suspendedCustomers equals: customerBook numberOfSuspendedCustomers.
self assert: customers equals: customerBook numberOfCustomers.! !
self assert: activeCustomers + suspendedCustomers equals: customerBook numberOfCustomers.! !

!CustomerBookTest methodsFor: 'test helpers' stamp: 'TV 10/14/2021 17:26:05'!
closureAddCustomerNamed: customerName
^[customerBook addCustomerNamed: customerName].! !

!CustomerBookTest methodsFor: 'testHelpers' stamp: 'TV 10/13/2021 23:31:14'!
!CustomerBookTest methodsFor: 'test helpers' stamp: 'TV 10/14/2021 17:25:41'!
closureRemoveCustomerNamed: customerName
^[customerBook removeCustomerNamed: customerName].! !

!CustomerBookTest methodsFor: 'test helpers' stamp: 'TV 10/14/2021 17:33:21'!
closureSuspendCustomerNamed: customerName
^[customerBook suspendCustomerNamed: customerName].! !

!CustomerBookTest methodsFor: 'test helpers' stamp: 'TV 10/14/2021 15:57:54'!
closureThatMustFail: closure withError: error atErrorDo: action
[ closure value.
self fail ]
on: error
do: action.
! !

!CustomerBookTest methodsFor: 'testHelpers' stamp: 'TV 10/13/2021 23:10:33'!
getRunningTimeOf: thisClosure
| millisecondsBeforeRunning millisecondsAfterRunning |

millisecondsBeforeRunning := Time millisecondClockValue * millisecond.
thisClosure value.
millisecondsAfterRunning := Time millisecondClockValue * millisecond.
^(millisecondsAfterRunning - millisecondsBeforeRunning).! !

!classDefinition: #CustomerBook category: 'CodigoRepetido-Ejercicio'!
Object subclass: #CustomerBook
Expand All @@ -176,7 +169,7 @@ addCustomerNamed: aName

active add: aName ! !

!CustomerBook methodsFor: 'customer management' stamp: 'TV 10/13/2021 22:58:23'!
!CustomerBook methodsFor: 'customer management' stamp: 'TV 10/14/2021 15:09:39'!
removeCustomerNamed: aName

active remove: aName ifAbsent:[suspended remove: aName ifAbsent: [^NotFound signal.].].
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