uses graph-easy to generate org-roam graphs inside an emacs buffer
Firstly get graph-easy working, in Ubuntu and Debian this looks like this:
apt-get install libgraph-easy-perl
If you're installing by hand then you need to put it in your $PATH or set org-roam-gev-graph-easy-binary to point to it directly.
Then you can enable it with use-package
(use-package org-roam-gev-text-graph-mode
:requires org-roam
:config (org-roam-gev-text-graph-mode t))
Alternatively you can do it by hand with something like this:
(require 'org-roam-gev-text-graph-mode)
(org-roam-gev-text-graph-mode t)
After that you can just call "M-x org-roam-graph" or whatever keybind you've setup.