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College Work

This repository stores my computer science projects done during my time in higher education.
This is mainly to separate my personal/hobby projects.
But also with the amount of projects that are assigned,
this is also to organize them in an ordered fashion to see how I'd progress as a programmer.

Most projects, especially in earlier classes, can be built using standard compilation methods.

CS111 : : Program Design I
CS141 : : Program Design II
CS151 : : Mathematical Foundations of Computing
CS211 : : Programming Practicum
CS251 : : Data Structures
CS261 : : Machine Organization
CS301 : : Languages and Automata
CS341 : : Programming Language Design and Implementation
CS342 : : Software Design
CS361 : : Systems Programming
CS362 : : Computer Design
CS401 : : Computer Algorithms I
CS415 : : Computer Vision I
MATH181 : : Calculus II
MATH210 : : Calculus III
MATH310 : : Applied Linear Algebra

Notable Work : :

CS251 : : Project 6 : : OpenStreetMap Dijkstra Search w/ C++.
CS342 : : Project 3 : : Multi-Threaded Server/Client Game w/ Java.
CS362 : : Project F : : VSRG-UNO-R3 w/ C++ and Arduino.

CS111 : : Program Design I

Project 1 : : Image Drawing w/ Python Turtles.
Project 2 : : Frogger Game w/ Python Turtles.
Project 3 : : Data Analysis w/ Python.

CS141 : : Program Design II

Project 1 : : Matryoshka Dolls to Console w/ C++.
Project 2 : : Chessboard Knight Movement w/ C++.
Project 3 : : Wordle w/ C++.
Project 4 : : Billboard Analysis w/ C++.
Project 5 : : March Madness Predictor w/ C++.

CS151 : : Mathematical Foundations of Computing

Homework 1 : : Propositional Logic.
Homework 2 : : Constructing Proofs.
Homework 3 : : Sets, Relations, Graphs.
Homework 4 : : Proof by Induction.
Homework 5 : : Combinatorics.
Exam 1 : : Midterm 1.
Exam 2 : : Midterm 2.
Exam 3 : : Final Exam.

CS211 : : Programming Practicum

Project 1 : : Hunt The Wumpus w/ C.
Project 2 : : Hunt The Wumpus w/ Dynamic C Arrays.
Project 3 : : Wordle Best Word Finder w/ C.
Project 4 : : Wordle Solver w/ C.

CS251 : : Data Structures

Project 1 : : Gerrymandering Analysis w/ C++.
Project 2 : : Music Library w/ C++.
Project 3 : : Matrix Class Implementation w/ C++.
Project 4 : : Canvas Class w/ C++ Polymorphism.
Project 5 : : BST Priority Queue Implementation w/ C++.
Project 6 : : OpenStreetMap Dijkstra Search w/ C++.

CS261 : : Machine Organization

Project 1 : : Bomb Lab.
Project 2 : : Attack Lab.

CS301 : : Languages and Automata

Homework 1 : : DFAs, NFAs, Closure Proof.
Homework 2 : : NFA to DFA, Regex to NFA, NFA to Regex.
Homework 3 : : Regular Grammars, Context Free Grammars, PDAs.
Homework 4 : : CFGs, Chomsky Normal Form, Non-Context Free Proof.
Homework 5 : : Turing Machines, Decidable Languages.
Homework 6 : : Undecidability.
Exam 1 : : Midterm 1.
Exam 2 : : Midterm 2.
Exam 3 : : Final Exam.

CS341 : : Programming Language Design and Implementation

Homework 1 : : File to Console w/ C++.
Homework 2 : : String Analysis & Manipulation w/ F#.
Homework 3 : : F# Function Implementations.
Homework 4 : : Password Manager w/ Go.
Project 1 : : Chessboard Class Implementation w/ C++.
Project 2 : : PPM Image Manipulation w/ F#.
Project 3 : : PPM Image Shape Canvas w/ Go.

CS342 : : Software Design

Homework 1 : : Maven & Java Intro.
Homework 2 : : JUnit 5 Testing.
Homework 3 : : JavaFX Basics.
Homework 4 : : Proxy Class Design Pattern.
Homework 5 : : JavaFX w/ FXML.
Homework 6 : : Avoiding Data Races.
Project 1 : : Data Structure Library w/ Java.
Project 2 : : Baccarat Game GUI w/ Java and JavaFX.
Project 3 : : Multi-Threaded Server/Client Game w/ Java.

CS361 : : Systems Programming

Not taken yet.

CS362 : : Computer Design

Homework 1 : : Ohms Law & Circuits – Series, Parallel and Mixed.
Homework 2 : : CMOS, Boolean Algebra, DeMorgan’s Law, Universal Gates.
Homework 3 : : Karnaugh Maps.
Homework 4 : : Lab Report for Lab 4.
Homework 5 : : Mux, Decoder, and Memory.
Homework 6 : : FSM part 1.
Homework 7 : : FSM part 2.
Final Project : : VSRG-UNO-R3 w/ C++ and Arduino.
Lab 1 : : Three Blinking Lights.
Lab 2 : : Three Bit Counter.
Lab 3 : : Liquid Crystal Display - LCD.
Lab 4 : : Photoresistor (LDR - Light Dependent Resistor).
Lab 5 : : Multiple Inputs and Outputs.
Lab 6 : : Computer I/O.
Lab 7 : : Communication Between Arduinos.
Lab 8 : : Interrupts.
Lab 9 : : RGB LED.

CS401 : : Computer Algorithms I

Homework 1 : : Asymptotic Dominance, Runtime Analysis, Greedy.
Homework 2 : : Shortest Path Graph Traversal.
Homework 3 : : Divide and Conquer.
Homework 4 : : Dynamic Programming.
Homework 5 : : Network Flow.
Homework E : : Midterm EC Problem.

CS415 : : Computer Vision I

Homework 1 : : Image Convolution Filtering.

MATH181 : : Calculus II

Will add soon :)

MATH210 : : Calculus III

Homework 1 : : Vector Projection, Dot Product, Cross Product.
Homework 2.
Homework 3.
Homework 4.
Homework 5.
Homework 6.
Homework 7.
Homework 8.
Homework 9.
Homework 10.
Homework 11 : : Triple Integrals in Cylindrical Coordinates, Spherical Coordinates.
Homework 12 : : Spherical Coordinate Integrals, Change of Variables using Jacobian Transformations.
Homework 13 : : Gradient Vectors, Arc Length Parameterization, Parameterization of Curves in Three Dimensions.
Homework 14 : : Parametric Differentiation, Fundamental Theorem for Line Integrals, Conservative Vector Fields.
Homework 15 : : Line Integrals, Green's Theorem, Parametric Equations for Curves.
Exam 1 : : Midterm 1.
Exam 2 : : Midterm 2.
Exam 3 : : Final Exam.

MATH310 : : Applied Linear Algebra

Exam 1 : : Midterm 1.
Exam 2 : : Midterm 2.
Exam 3 : : Final Exam.