This Magento 2 extension provides an alternative PDF renderer using the engine.
PDFs are generated using html provided by the store theme in the same maner as a website is render (Using Blocks and phtml template files). This makes adjusting the PDF easy if you are familiar with the Magento2 layout and theme structure.
This extension only replaces the Magento\Sales\Model\Order\Pdf\*
Any adjustment to the PDF can then simply be done in your theme.
Adjustments to the PDF can be simple done in your theme folder. Here is a sample pdf ouptut file.
Get access to your repository. See the documentation.
composer require typesetsh/magento2-extension
php bin/magento module:enable Typesetsh_Pdf
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
This extension is under the MIT license.
However, it requires a version of to work.