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Releases: uataq/stilt

Target BGC Jena

23 Jun 17:27
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This marks the last stable version targeting the BGC-Jena STILT fortran repository. Versions beyond v1.2 utilize new capabilities in HYSPLIT v5.0 that include STILT's transport and dispersion methods.

Binaries are compiled from BGC-Jena source code accessed 2020-06-23. The program was modified to disable its use with forecast data.

Geoscientific Model Development 2018

30 Apr 20:04
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Fasoli, B., Lin, J. C., Bowling, D. R., Mitchell, L., and Mendoza, D.: Simulating atmospheric tracer concentrations for spatially distributed receptors: updates to the Stochastic Time-Inverted Lagrangian Transport model's R interface (STILT-R version 2), Geosci. Model Dev. Discuss.,, in review, 2018.

Binaries are compiled from BGC-Jena source code accessed 2018-05-08. The program was modified to increase the maximum number of particles allowed to 100,000 and disable its use with forecast data.

For the current release of STILT, see the install documentation which points to the master branch of this repository. The source code bundled here was used for analyses in the above manuscript.