⚡ Rayden - Simple Python Ray Tracing
- Geometry: Sphere, Plane, Triangle, Torus
- Light: Point, Area (rectangle)
- Material: Diffuse, Specular, Mirror, Glass, Checkerboard, Procedural Textures, Normal Map
- Distributed Ray Tracing: samples per pixel and shadow
- Depth of Field: depth and dispersion setup
- Scene description from JSON file
- Using numpy and multiprocessing
- FQS - Fast Quartic and Cubic solver (https://github.com/NKrvavica/fqs) for computing roots of a quartic equation (torus intersection)
- 2D, 3D and 4D Simplex Noise functions from https://github.com/dangillet/space_tactical/blob/master/simplexnoise.py
- Colour (https://github.com/vaab/colour) for named colors
rayden.py --help
usage: rayden [-h] --scene SCENE --output OUTPUT [--samplesPerPixel SPIXEL] [--samplesPerShadow SSHADOW]
[--depthComplexity DEPTHCOMPLEXITY] [--dispersion DISPERSION] [--phong]
Rayden - Simple Python Ray Tracing
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--scene SCENE, -s SCENE
Scene description file
--output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT
Output file
--samplesPerPixel SPIXEL, -sp SPIXEL
Samples per pixel
--samplesPerShadow SSHADOW, -ss SSHADOW
Samples per shadow
Depth complexity (depth of field)
--dispersion DISPERSION, -dis DISPERSION
Dispersion (depth of field)
--phong Use classical Phong for specular component. Blinn-Phong, otherwise.
rayden.py -s ./scenes/red-sphere.json -o ./results/red-sphere.png
rayden.py -s ./scenes/red-sphere-shadow.json
rayden.py -s ./scenes/hello-rayden.json
rayden.py -s ./scenes/hello-rayden.json --samplesPerPixel 4
rayden.py -s ./scenes/hello-rayden.json --samplesPerPixel 16
rayden.py -s ./scenes/hello-rayden.json --samplesPerPixel 16 --samplesPerShadow 4
rayden.py -s ./scenes/hello-rayden.json --samplesPerPixel 16 --samplesPerShadow 4 --depthComplexity 8
rayden.py -s ./scenes/hello-rayden.json --samplesPerPixel 16 --samplesPerShadow 4 --depthComplexity 8 --dispersion 10
rayden.py -s ./scenes/hello-rayden.json --samplesPerPixel 16 --samplesPerShadow 4 --depthComplexity 8 --dispersion 16
rayden.py -s ./scenes/pyramid.json
rayden.py -s ./scenes/torus.json
rayden.py -s ./scenes/torus-mirror.json
rayden.py -s ./scenes/torus-glass.json