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Watch the Burn 🔥

With EIP-1559 deployed, UBQ will be burned in every block if transactions exist. This website will show you how much UBQ got burned in total and per block.

If you have a local Ubiq (we use gubiq but you can use any UBQ client) instance, you can update REACT_APP_WEB3_URL in .env.production.local to your local UBQ instance and run this offline! The instructions below show how to deploy it to a remote website under nginx.

Setup dev environment ⚙

Setting up the environment requires a gubiq instance, daemon gubiq proxy, and react web app. Optionally, you can install the varnish cache in between.

Setup gubiq

  1. Clone gubiq and build docker image. Assumes /data on local system exists

    git clone
    cd go-ubiq
    docker build -t ubiq-node .
    mkdir /data
  2. To run Gubiq inside Docker, run one of the following:

    • Mainnet
       docker run --net=host --name=gubiq -dti -v /data:/data ubiq-node --datadir=/data/mainnet --mainnet --port=3030 --http --http.port=8588 --http.api="net,web3,eth" --http.corsdomain="localhost"  --ws --ws.port=8589 --ws.api="net,web3,eth""*" --maxpeers=100

Setup the Gubiq Proxy Daemon

  1. Easiest thing is use docker.

     docker build -t gubiq-proxy ./daemon
  2. Run the docker instance against your gubiq.

    docker run -d --name=gubiq-proxy --restart=on-failure:3 --net=host -v /data/gubiq-proxy:/data gubiq-proxy --addr=:8080 --gubiq-endpoint-http=http://localhost:8588 --gubiq-endpoint-websocket=ws://localhost:8589 --db-path=/data/mainnet.db --development false

Optional: Varnish cache to cache all Gubiq RPC calls

  1. Easiest thing is use docker.

     docker build -t gubiq-varnish ./cache
  2. Run the docker instance against your gubiq.

    docker run -d --name gubiq-cache --net host -e GETH_HTTP_HOST=localhost -e GETH_HTTP_PORT=8588 -e VARNISH_PORT=8081 -e CACHE_SIZE=1g gubiq-varnish
  3. Run the daemon against the varnish port.

    docker run -d --name=gubiq-proxy --restart=on-failure:3 --net=host -v /data/gubiq-proxy:/data gubiq-proxy --addr=:8080 --gubiq-endpoint-http=http://localhost:8081 --gubiq-endpoint-websocket=ws://localhost:8589 --db-path=/data/mainnet.db --development

Setup web dev environment

  1. Create env file:

    cp .env .env.local
  2. Add your gubiq ws url to .env.local point it to your daemon port:

  3. Install packages

    npm install
  4. Run the web app:

    npm start
  5. Launch the web app (goerli):

    open http://mainnet.go.localhost:3000:

Some devops maintenance

Send transactions to testnet

Install web3 CLI client curl -LSs | sh use it to create a test account, and you can use it to send transactions.

Access gubiq console If you ran the mainnet docker gubiq, you can just do, not rm is there so it cleans the container up after closing!:

docker run --rm -ti -v /data:/data ubiq-node --datadir=/data/mainnet attach  


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