Solr configuration and velocity templates for the UCLDC project
When changes are made to the dc-collection schema.xml or solrconfig.xml, the running environments must be rebuilt to update the solr instances.
test locally by running following in the repo root dir:
- docker build --tag=ucldc/solr .
- docker run -d -p 8983:8983 --name=solr ucldc/solr
Now point browser to http://localhost:8983 on linux or to :8983
You can go to the files and check the schema or solrconfig then.
Once it runs and looks good, push the code to
ssh to the majorTom machine for the environment you want to update.
- update the ~/code/solr_api repo
ssh to the solr server:
- sudo docker stop solr
- sudo docker rm solr
- sudo docker rmi ucldc/solr
Then ssh to the majorTom machine.
- . ~/workers_local/bin/activate
- ansible-playbook -i ~/code/ingest_deploy/ansible/hosts
/code/ingest_deploy/ansible/provision_solr.yml --vault-password-file=/.vault_pass_ingest
- update the ~/code/solr_api
- clone an existing solr environment
- from the solr_api directory, run This will prompt you for required parameters. Set the new cloned environment to be the one updated and give the version an appropriate name.
- ./ add-start-end-date ucldc-solr-stage-2
- Generate a new API key, see scripts/, though any string will work
- Download token_auth file from S3 solr.ucldc
- Add the API key to the file & upload
- Clone & rebuild the solr environments to grab the new key