- Creating a microservices for a customer who can access customer portfolio
- The customer portfilio includes- Coin access, Exchanges -Thirdparty
- This is just a template and customizable according to your project requirement
Tools used to create microservices:
- Django-REST - build and project configuration
- Docker - An open source UI automation tools
- PyTest - A library used for UnitTesting
- Postman - A tool used for API Testing
- Pact-IO - Writing Contract Tests
- Locust-IO - A tool used for performance testing
- Anchore - A tool used for Container security testing
- Database - For now, default database
This requires [python] 3.0+
Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the server.
Download the repository using
git clone https://github.com/uday160386/udays-tj-backend-app.git
and do
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
docker build -t <DOCKER_PATH>:<TAG>
Docke-compose up
API Testcases are available at tests/
Run the postman collection using Newman in CI:
"newman run tests/Django-REST-Backend-Testing.postman_collection.json -e
-d tests/data/data.csv -r htmlextra --reporter-htmlextra-export ./results/report.html"
Note:The above paths are for reference and can be saved at your preferred path
Reports are available at : "./results/report.html"