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Udger client for Ruby (data ver. 3)

Local parser is very fast and accurate useragent string detection solution. Enables developers to locally install and integrate a highly-scalable product. We provide the detection of the devices (personal computer, tablet, Smart TV, Game console etc.), operating system, client SW type (browser, e-mail client etc.) and devices market name (example: Sony Xperia Tablet S, Nokia Lumia 820 etc.). It also provides information about IP addresses (Public proxies, VPN services, Tor exit nodes, Fake crawlers, Web scrapers, Datacenter name .. etc.)

  • Tested with more the 10.000 unique user agents.
  • Up to date data provided by


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'udger'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install udger


User agent and ip parser for Udger db.

require 'udger'
parser ='path_to_udger_db', options) # File must be named 'udgerdb_v3.dat'


  • cache - default is true, enable caching results. Only available for user agent parsing.
  • lru_cache_size - default is 10,000. How many objects to be cached.
  • ua_services - if you do not need all the information for a user agent, you can specify which services to receive. Available services are: [:crawler, :client, :os, :device, :device_market]. Reducing the number of services will improve performances.

Parsing user agent

parser.parse_ua('Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:40.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/40.0')

This returns a struct with the following data. If data are not present, it will return nil value.

  • ua_class
  • ua_class_code
  • ua
  • ua_version
  • ua_version_major
  • ua_uptodate_current_version
  • ua_family
  • ua_family_code
  • ua_family_homepage
  • ua_family_vendor
  • ua_family_vendor_code
  • ua_family_vendor_homepage
  • ua_family_icon
  • ua_family_icon_big
  • ua_family_info_url
  • ua_engine
  • os
  • os_code
  • os_homepage
  • os_icon
  • os_icon_big
  • os_info_url
  • os_family
  • os_family_code
  • os_family_vendor
  • os_family_vendor_code
  • os_family_vendor_homepage
  • device_class
  • device_class_code
  • device_class_icon
  • device_class_icon_big
  • device_class_info_url
  • device_marketname
  • device_brand
  • device_brand_code
  • device_brand_homepage
  • device_brand_icon
  • device_brand_icon_big
  • device_brand_info_url
  • crawler_last_seen
  • crawler_category
  • crawler_category_code
  • crawler_respect_robotstxt

Parsing ip


This returns a struct with the following data. If data are not present, it will return nil value.

  • ip_ver
  • ip_classification
  • ip_classification_code
  • ip_hostname
  • ip_last_seen
  • ip_country
  • ip_country_code
  • ip_city
  • crawler_name
  • crawler_ver
  • crawler_ver_major
  • crawler_family
  • crawler_family_code
  • crawler_family_homepage
  • crawler_family_vendor
  • crawler_family_vendor_code
  • crawler_family_vendor_homepage
  • crawler_family_icon
  • crawler_family_info_url
  • crawler_last_seen
  • crawler_category
  • crawler_category_code
  • crawler_respect_robotstxt
  • datacenter_name
  • datacenter_name_code
  • datacenter_homepage


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at