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dustinswales committed Sep 27, 2023
1 parent 26ca9f9 commit a110a5b
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Showing 18 changed files with 815 additions and 961 deletions.
105 changes: 81 additions & 24 deletions physics/GFS_phys_time_vary.fv3.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,10 +10,12 @@ module GFS_phys_time_vary
use omp_lib

use machine, only : kind_phys
use machine, only : kind_phys, kind_dbl_prec, kind_sngl_prec

use mersenne_twister, only: random_setseed, random_number

use module_ozphys, only: ty_ozphys

use h2o_def, only : levh2o, h2o_coeff, h2o_lat, h2o_pres, h2o_time, h2oplin
use h2ointerp, only : read_h2odata, setindxh2o, h2ointerpol

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -64,9 +66,9 @@ module GFS_phys_time_vary
!>\section gen_GFS_phys_time_vary_init GFS_phys_time_vary_init General Algorithm
!> @{
subroutine GFS_phys_time_vary_init ( &
me, master, h2o_phys, iaerclm, iccn, iaermdl, iflip, im, levs, &
me, master, ntoz, h2o_phys, iaerclm, iccn, iaermdl, iflip, im, levs, &
nx, ny, idate, xlat_d, xlon_d, &
jindx1_h, jindx2_h, ddy_h, h2opl,fhour, &
jindx1_o3, jindx2_o3, ddy_o3, jindx1_h, jindx2_h, ddy_h, h2opl,fhour, &
jindx1_aer, jindx2_aer, ddy_aer, iindx1_aer, iindx2_aer, ddx_aer, aer_nm, &
jindx1_ci, jindx2_ci, ddy_ci, iindx1_ci, iindx2_ci, ddx_ci, imap, jmap, &
do_ugwp_v1, jindx1_tau, jindx2_tau, ddy_j1tau, ddy_j2tau, &
Expand All @@ -79,12 +81,12 @@ subroutine GFS_phys_time_vary_init (
smcwtdxy, deeprechxy, rechxy, snowxy, snicexy, snliqxy, tsnoxy , smoiseq, zsnsoxy, &
slc, smc, stc, tsfcl, snowd, canopy, tg3, stype, con_t0c, lsm_cold_start, nthrds, &
lkm, use_lake_model, lakefrac, lakedepth, iopt_lake, iopt_lake_clm, iopt_lake_flake, &
lakefrac_threshold, lakedepth_threshold, errmsg, errflg)
lakefrac_threshold, lakedepth_threshold, ozphys, errmsg, errflg)

implicit none

! Interface variables
integer, intent(in) :: me, master, iccn, iflip, im, nx, ny, levs, iaermdl
integer, intent(in) :: me, master, ntoz, iccn, iflip, im, nx, ny, levs, iaermdl
logical, intent(in) :: h2o_phys, iaerclm, lsm_cold_start
integer, intent(in) :: idate(:), iopt_lake, iopt_lake_clm, iopt_lake_flake
real(kind_phys), intent(in) :: fhour, lakefrac_threshold, lakedepth_threshold
Expand All @@ -93,8 +95,8 @@ subroutine GFS_phys_time_vary_init (
integer, intent(in) :: lkm
integer, intent(inout) :: use_lake_model(:)
real(kind=kind_phys), intent(in ) :: lakefrac(:), lakedepth(:)
integer, intent(inout) :: jindx1_h(:), jindx2_h(:)
real(kind_phys), intent(inout) :: ddy_h(:)
integer, intent(inout) :: jindx1_o3(:), jindx2_o3(:), jindx1_h(:), jindx2_h(:)
real(kind_phys), intent(inout) :: ddy_o3(:), ddy_h(:)
real(kind_phys), intent(in) :: h2opl(:,:,:)

integer, intent(inout) :: jindx1_aer(:), jindx2_aer(:), iindx1_aer(:), iindx2_aer(:)
Expand All @@ -113,6 +115,7 @@ subroutine GFS_phys_time_vary_init (
real(kind_phys), intent(in) :: min_seaice, fice(:)
real(kind_phys), intent(in) :: landfrac(:)
real(kind_phys), intent(inout) :: weasd(:)
type(ty_ozphys), intent(in) :: ozphys

! NoahMP - only allocated when NoahMP is used
integer, intent(in) :: lsoil, lsnow_lsm_lbound, lsnow_lsm_ubound
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -200,21 +203,30 @@ subroutine GFS_phys_time_vary_init (

!$OMP parallel num_threads(nthrds) default(none) &
!$OMP shared (me,master,h2o_phys,im,nx,ny,levs,idate) &
!$OMP shared (me,master,ntoz,h2o_phys,im,nx,ny,levs,idate) &
!$OMP shared (xlat_d,xlon_d,imap,jmap,errmsg,errflg) &
!$OMP shared (levh2o,h2o_coeff,h2o_pres,h2opl) &
!$OMP shared (iamin, iamax, jamin, jamax) &
!$OMP shared (iaerclm,iaermdl,ntrcaer,aer_nm,iflip,iccn) &
!$OMP shared (jindx1_h,jindx2_h,ddy_h) &
!$OMP shared (jindx1_o3,jindx2_o3,ddy_o3,jindx1_h,jindx2_h,ddy_h) &
!$OMP shared (jindx1_aer,jindx2_aer,ddy_aer,iindx1_aer,iindx2_aer,ddx_aer) &
!$OMP shared (jindx1_ci,jindx2_ci,ddy_ci,iindx1_ci,iindx2_ci,ddx_ci) &
!$OMP shared (do_ugwp_v1,jindx1_tau,jindx2_tau,ddy_j1tau,ddy_j2tau) &
!$OMP shared (isot,ivegsrc,nlunit,sncovr,sncovr_ice,lsm,lsm_ruc) &
!$OMP shared (min_seaice,fice,landfrac,vtype,weasd,snupx,salp_data) &
!$OMP shared (ozphys) &
!$OMP private (ix,i,j,rsnow,vegtyp)

!$OMP sections

!$OMP section
!> - Setup spatial interpolation indices for ozone physics.
if (ntoz > 0) then
call ozphys%setup_forcing(xlat_d, jindx1_o3, jindx2_o3, ddy_o3)

!$OMP section
!> - Call read_h2odata() to read stratospheric water vapor data
call read_h2odata (h2o_phys, me, master)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -710,30 +722,30 @@ end subroutine GFS_phys_time_vary_init
!> @{
subroutine GFS_phys_time_vary_timestep_init ( &
me, master, cnx, cny, isc, jsc, nrcm, im, levs, kdt, idate, nsswr, fhswr, lsswr, fhour, &
imfdeepcnv, cal_pre, random_clds, nscyc, h2o_phys, iaerclm, iccn, clstp, &
jindx1_h, jindx2_h, ddy_h, h2opl, iflip, &
imfdeepcnv, cal_pre, random_clds, nscyc, ntoz, h2o_phys, iaerclm, iccn, clstp, &
jindx1_o3, jindx2_o3, ddy_o3, ozpl, jindx1_h, jindx2_h, ddy_h, h2opl, iflip, &
jindx1_aer, jindx2_aer, ddy_aer, iindx1_aer, iindx2_aer, ddx_aer, aer_nm, &
jindx1_ci, jindx2_ci, ddy_ci, iindx1_ci, iindx2_ci, ddx_ci, in_nm, ccn_nm, fn_nml, &
imap, jmap, prsl, seed0, rann, nthrds, nx, ny, nsst, tile_num, nlunit, lsoil, lsoil_lsm,&
kice, ialb, isot, ivegsrc, input_nml_file, use_ufo, nst_anl, frac_grid, fhcyc, phour, &
lakefrac, min_seaice, min_lakeice, smc, slc, stc, smois, sh2o, tslb, tiice, tg3, tref, &
tsfc, tsfco, tisfc, hice, fice, facsf, facwf, alvsf, alvwf, alnsf, alnwf, zorli, zorll, &
zorlo, weasd, slope, snoalb, canopy, vfrac, vtype, stype,scolor, shdmin, shdmax, snowd, &
cv, cvb, cvt, oro, oro_uf, xlat_d, xlon_d, slmsk, landfrac, &
cv, cvb, cvt, oro, oro_uf, xlat_d, xlon_d, slmsk, landfrac, ozphys, &
do_ugwp_v1, jindx1_tau, jindx2_tau, ddy_j1tau, ddy_j2tau, tau_amf, errmsg, errflg)

implicit none

! Interface variables
integer, intent(in) :: me, master, cnx, cny, isc, jsc, nrcm, im, levs, kdt, &
nsswr, imfdeepcnv, iccn, nscyc, iflip
nsswr, imfdeepcnv, iccn, nscyc, ntoz, iflip
integer, intent(in) :: idate(:)
real(kind_phys), intent(in) :: fhswr, fhour
logical, intent(in) :: lsswr, cal_pre, random_clds, h2o_phys, iaerclm
real(kind_phys), intent(out) :: clstp
integer, intent(in) :: jindx1_h(:), jindx2_h(:)
real(kind_phys), intent(in) :: ddy_h(:)
real(kind_phys), intent(inout) :: h2opl(:,:,:)
integer, intent(in) :: jindx1_o3(:), jindx2_o3(:), jindx1_h(:), jindx2_h(:)
real(kind_phys), intent(in) :: ddy_o3(:), ddy_h(:)
real(kind_phys), intent(inout) :: ozpl(:,:,:), h2opl(:,:,:)
integer, intent(in) :: jindx1_aer(:), jindx2_aer(:), iindx1_aer(:), iindx2_aer(:)
real(kind_phys), intent(in) :: ddy_aer(:), ddx_aer(:)
real(kind_phys), intent(inout) :: aer_nm(:,:,:)
Expand All @@ -749,6 +761,7 @@ subroutine GFS_phys_time_vary_timestep_init (
integer, intent(in) :: jindx1_tau(:), jindx2_tau(:)
real(kind_phys), intent(in) :: ddy_j1tau(:), ddy_j2tau(:)
real(kind_phys), intent(inout) :: tau_amf(:)
type(ty_ozphys), intent(in) :: ozphys

! For gcycle only
integer, intent(in) :: nthrds, nx, ny, nsst, tile_num, nlunit, lsoil
Expand All @@ -771,10 +784,13 @@ subroutine GFS_phys_time_vary_timestep_init (
integer, intent(out) :: errflg

! Local variables
integer :: i, j, k, iseed, iskip, ix
real(kind=kind_phys) :: wrk(1)
real(kind=kind_phys) :: rannie(cny)
real(kind=kind_phys) :: rndval(cnx*cny*nrcm)
integer :: i, j, k, iseed, iskip, ix, idat(8), jdat(8), iday, j1, j2, nc, n1, n2, jdow, &
jdoy, jday, w3kindreal, w3kindint
real(kind_phys) :: wrk(1), tem, tx1, tx2, rjday
real(kind_phys) :: rannie(cny)
real(kind_phys) :: rndval(cnx*cny*nrcm)
real(kind_dbl_prec) :: rinc(5)
real(kind_sngl_prec) :: rinc4(5)

! Initialize CCPP error handling variables
errmsg = ''
Expand All @@ -790,15 +806,56 @@ subroutine GFS_phys_time_vary_timestep_init (
!$OMP parallel num_threads(nthrds) default(none) &
!$OMP shared(kdt,nsswr,lsswr,clstp,imfdeepcnv,cal_pre,random_clds) &
!$OMP shared(fhswr,fhour,seed0,cnx,cny,nrcm,wrk,rannie,rndval) &
!$OMP shared(rann,im,isc,jsc,imap,jmap,me,idate) &
!$OMP shared(h2o_phys,jindx1_h,jindx2_h,h2opl,ddy_h,iaerclm,master) &
!$OMP shared(rann,im,isc,jsc,imap,jmap,ntoz,me,idate,jindx1_o3,jindx2_o3) &
!$OMP shared(ozpl,ddy_o3,h2o_phys,jindx1_h,jindx2_h,h2opl,ddy_h,iaerclm,master) &
!$OMP shared(levs,prsl,iccn,jindx1_ci,jindx2_ci,ddy_ci,iindx1_ci,iindx2_ci) &
!$OMP shared(ddx_ci,in_nm,ccn_nm,do_ugwp_v1,jindx1_tau,jindx2_tau,ddy_j1tau) &
!$OMP shared(ddy_j2tau,tau_amf,iflip) &
!$OMP private(iseed,iskip,i,j,k)
!$OMP shared(ddy_j2tau,tau_amf,iflip,ozphys) &
!$OMP private(iseed,iskip,i,j,rjday,idat,rinc,w3kindreal,w3kindint,jdat)&
!$OMP private(jdow,jdoy,jday,rinc4,n1,n2)

!$OMP sections

!$OMP section
!> - Compute temporal interpolation indices for updating gas concentrations.
call w3kind(w3kindreal,w3kindint)
if(w3kindreal==4) then
CALL w3movdat(rinc4,idat,jdat)
CALL w3movdat(rinc,idat,jdat)
jdow = 0
jdoy = 0
jday = 0
call w3doxdat(jdat,jdow,jdoy,jday)
rjday = jdoy + jdat(5) / 24.
if (rjday < ozphys%time(1)) rjday = rjday + 365.

n2 = ozphys%ntime + 1
do j=2,ozphys%ntime
if (rjday < ozphys%time(j)) then
n2 = j
n1 = n2 - 1
if (n2 > ozphys%ntime) n2 = n2 - ozphys%ntime

!> - Update ozone concentration.
if (ntoz > 0) then
call ozphys%update_forcing(jindx1_o3, jindx2_o3, ddy_o3, rjday, n1, n2, ozpl)

!$OMP section

!--- switch for saving convective clouds - cnvc90.f
Expand Down
83 changes: 82 additions & 1 deletion physics/GFS_phys_time_vary.fv3.meta
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
name = GFS_phys_time_vary
type = scheme
dependencies = aerclm_def.F,aerinterp.F90,gcycle.F90,h2o_def.f,h2ointerp.f90,iccn_def.F,iccninterp.F90,machine.F,mersenne_twister.f
dependencies = namelist_soilveg.f,set_soilveg.f,sfcsub.F,cires_tauamf_data.F90,noahmp_tables.f90
dependencies = namelist_soilveg.f,set_soilveg.f,sfcsub.F,cires_tauamf_data.F90,noahmp_tables.f90,module_ozphys.F90

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -72,6 +72,36 @@
dimensions = ()
type = integer
intent = in
intent = in
standard_name = index_of_ozone_mixing_ratio_in_tracer_concentration_array
long_name = tracer index for ozone mixing ratio
units = index
dimensions = ()
type = integer
intent = in
standard_name = lower_latitude_index_of_ozone_forcing_for_interpolation
long_name = interpolation low index for ozone
units = index
dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
type = integer
intent = in
standard_name = upper_latitude_index_of_ozone_forcing_for_interpolation
long_name = interpolation high index for ozone
units = index
dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
type = integer
intent = in
standard_name = latitude_interpolation_weight_for_ozone_forcing
long_name = interpolation high index for ozone
units = none
dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
intent = in
standard_name = number_of_points_in_x_direction_for_this_MPI_rank
long_name = number of points in x direction for this MPI rank
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -932,6 +962,13 @@
type = real
kind = kind_phys
intent = in
standard_name = dataset_for_ozone_physics
long_name = dataset for NRL ozone physics
units = mixed
dimensions = ()
type = ty_ozphys
intent = in
standard_name = ccpp_error_message
long_name = error message for error handling in CCPP
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1107,6 +1144,13 @@
dimensions = ()
type = integer
intent = in
standard_name = index_of_ozone_mixing_ratio_in_tracer_concentration_array
long_name = tracer index for ozone mixing ratio
units = index
dimensions = ()
type = integer
intent = in
standard_name = flag_for_stratospheric_water_vapor_physics
long_name = flag for stratospheric water vapor physics
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1136,6 +1180,36 @@
type = real
kind = kind_phys
intent = out
standard_name = lower_latitude_index_of_ozone_forcing_for_interpolation
long_name = interpolation low index for ozone
units = index
dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
type = integer
intent = in
standard_name = upper_latitude_index_of_ozone_forcing_for_interpolation
long_name = interpolation high index for ozone
units = index
dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
type = integer
intent = in
standard_name = latitude_interpolation_weight_for_ozone_forcing
long_name = interpolation high index for ozone
units = none
dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
intent = in
standard_name = ozone_forcing
long_name = ozone forcing data
units = mixed
dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,number_of_levels_in_ozone_data,number_of_coefficients_in_ozone_data)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
intent = inout
standard_name = lower_latitude_index_of_stratospheric_water_vapor_forcing_for_interpolation
long_name = interpolation low index for stratospheric water vapor
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1868,6 +1942,13 @@
type = real
kind = kind_phys
intent = inout
standard_name = dataset_for_ozone_physics
long_name = dataset for NRL ozone physics
units = mixed
dimensions = ()
type = ty_ozphys
intent = in
standard_name = ccpp_error_message
long_name = error message for error handling in CCPP
Expand Down

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