This repository contains an implemention for Unsupervised Ultra Fine Entity Typing with JoBimText API desribed in the paper Unsupervised Ultra-Fine Entity Typing with Distributionally Induced Word Senses (link soon).
(python version used in the experiments is 3.7.10)
conda create -n unsupervisedufet-env python=3.7.10
conda activate unsupervisedufet-env
pip install -r requirements.txt
- The dataset is available at (redirects to, or alternatively here
- Create a directory ../open_type/. Extract the downloaded data and move it to ../open_type/.
- Note that it takes some time. There are sometimes assertion errors in while comparing cosine similarity results or the representations. Re-run if it is the case.
pytest tests/
pytest tests/
pytest tests/
- If you want, you can also run other tests.
Run with the features/parameters you want to try, which will produce a predictions file. (see sample -- scripts/
To produce the same scores as in the experiments, change the python and output directories in scripts/
bash scripts/
- Note that for PRP scores, see the commented out lines in
- To evaluate predictions, the function provided by Choi et al. (2018) is used. Clone the repository ( to ../open_type/ directory
cd ../open_type
git clone
- Comment out the lines 78, 81, 82 in ../open_type/open_type/ files, since only P, R, and F1 scores will be computed.
- To compute the scores (assumed your predictions are stored in "predictions_jobimtext/predictions_open_type_with_jobimtext.json"):
cd ../open_type/open_type
python ../../unsupervised-ultra-fine-entity-typing/predictions_jobimtext/predictions_open_type_with_jobimtext
- The best model and its predictions of model by Choi et al. 2018 are available, again, at Download best model and outputs from "Pretrained model / outputs", or alternatively here
- Extract the downloaded compressed folder and move it to ../open_type/.
- Change the python and output directories in scripts/, accordingly.
bash scripts/
- Note that before computing scores, first convert them to set, e.g. as done in convert_combination.ipynb.
- Compute the scores in the same way as in step 6.
- To get without pronouns predictions for jobimtext predictions and/or Choi et al. (2018) predictions, use "exclude_pronouns" function in the file, e.g. as done in wo_pronouns.ipynb.
- Compute the scores in the same way as in step 6.
- Disclaimer: before the use, be sure to check licenses of all dependencies, dependencies in the requirements.txt file, and the license of dataset and code provided by Choi et al. (2018).