Open source release
Closed Sep 14, 2023
100% complete
Requirements before open-sourcing PROCESS
- Review of supported platforms and CI runners
- Creation of licence and terms of use
- Review contributing guide
- Setup of users and privileges
- Review of licencing requirements
- Approval from management to open-source
- Review of documentation
- Review of documentation coverage
- Migration plan to GitHub
- Review of c…
Requirements before open-sourcing PROCESS
- Review of supported platforms and CI runners
- Creation of licence and terms of use
- Review contributing guide
- Setup of users and privileges
- Review of licencing requirements
- Approval from management to open-source
- Review of documentation
- Review of documentation coverage
- Migration plan to GitHub
- Review of code for STEP content (take out/leave)
- CI review
- Review installation scripts and test
- Review of issues for things that shouldn't be public
- Check for hardcoded paths, usernames or any other internal references
- Review of utilities
- Roadmap into GitHub projects
- Removal of commented out/redundant code
- New logo
- Review branches and clean up
- Removing access for leavers t&cs
- Issue templates and feature request labels
This milestone is closed.
No open issues remain. View closed issues or see open milestones in this repository.