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Zen SnakeLad Game

build using next.jsTitle: Snake and Ladder Game Documentation

Game Overview: Snake and Ladder is a web-based game built using Next.js, React, and Tailwind CSS. It offers a unique solo gameplay experience with an engaging user interface. Players can enjoy the game and challenge themselves to reach the finish line by rolling dice, avoiding snakes, and climbing ladders. The game also includes authentication features such as signup and signin with credentials, Google Auth, and GitHub Auth.


  1. Authentication:

    • Signup and Signin with credentials.
    • Sign in using Google or GitHub authentication.
  2. Solo Gameplay:

    • Enjoy a classic Snake and Ladder game in a solo player mode.
    • Roll the dice and make strategic moves to win the game.
  3. Game State

    • Local storage is used to save current game play
  4. Unique User Interface:

    • The game features a distinctive and visually appealing user interface, designed with Tailwind CSS.
    • Smooth animations and responsive design enhance the gaming experience.

To-Do List:

  1. Add
    • Planned future enhancement to add real-time multiplayer functionality using
    • Multiplayer mode will enable players to compete with friends or other online players.


  • The game is currently deployed on Vercel, making it accessible for players to enjoy.
  • build failled
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Future Plans:

  • Code cleanup
  • Abstraction
  • fix deployment (change auth google git url, api/ -fix)
  • Once integration is complete, the game will be prepared for deployment on Railapp for a seamless multiplayer experience.

Snake and Ladder is an exciting and visually appealing web game that combines classic gameplay with modern web technologies. Stay tuned for future updates and multiplayer gameplay!