Please see the file LICENSE for information on how this library is licensed.
This tree contains a library for using Java Big Data Memory. Here you'll find:
- src -- the source for the library
- src/main/java -- the Java source for the library
- examples -- Brief examples for this library
- src/main/native -- the native source for the library
- src/test/java -- the Java test & example source for the library
- uml -- modeling documents for the library
- target -- the generated packages for the library
- target/apidocs -- the generated API documents for the library
To build this library, you may need to install some required packages on the build system:
- Linux -- the native code depends on Linux System only
- NVML -- the Linux NVM library (Tag: 0.1+b16) (
- JDK -- the Java Develop Kit 1.8 or above (please properly configure JAVA_HOME)
- Maven -- the software project management tool for compiling Java project and resolve its dependences
- Autotools -- the GNU build system for compiling native project
- PMFS -- the PMFS should be properly installed and configured on Linux system if you want to simulate read latency
- PMalloc -- the supported durable memory native library at
- Javapoet -- the 1.3.1-SNAPSHOT revised for bdmem at https//
Once the build system is setup, the Big Memory Library is built using this command at the top level:
$ mvn clean package -DskipTests -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true -Dmaven.test.skip=true
To build and run the unit tests:
$ mvn clean package
To install this package to local repository:
$ mvn clean install
To build examples:
(Note that the Big Data Memory Library should be installed to local repository at first):
$ cd examples
$ mvn clean package
To run an example:
$ cd examples
$ java -jar target/examples-X.X.X(-SSSSS).jar