- Test on Jetson
- Test with Zed
- Clean up Code
- script runs YOLOP model on saved video + creates a replication with black pixels denoting non-drivable area
- established bare bones subscriber + publisher nodes
Discuss with Chris:
- pubish rate (0.5 seconds) -- leave as a parameter
- how to publish occupancy grid as message (combining publisher method file and drivable lane .py) --- nav occupancy grid message (contains a header -- timestamp etc., data -- as an array)
- size of pixels
Next Steps:
- create custom message to publish occupancy grid, robot (x,y) position, and grid size
- Figure out how to parse ZED input to just recieve left frame
- how to listen to Zed node (left camera)
- judge distortion of tape measure in testing images for different angles (perspective transform)
- convert current "replication frame" to occupancy grid via aerial transform, search for zed2i guides
- listen to ZED nodes + create lane_detection node with publishing
0.05 x 0.05 m grid size for occupancy grid
add padding to include position of robot in numpy occupancy grid
header data of occupancy grid data: label as ????
Goal: CV output to Nav an occupancy grid of non-drivable area for each frame. Each frame's occupancy grid are ultimately combined to form a "world occupancy grid".
Challenges: computational efficiency + converting local frame to global frame where the relative position of the local origin is unknown.