A list of useful Unity Game Development tools and resources.
- C# Tutorials
- Unity Tutorials
- Game Development
- Game Design
- Assets
- Icons
- Sounds
- Graphics
- Animation
- Tile Editors
- Pixel Editors
- Vector Editors
- Sound Editors
- 3D Modeling
- Other
- Articles
- Blogs
- Unity 3D Official Tutorials
- Unity Basics by TeamTreeHouse
- Learn to Code by Making Games - The Complete Unity Developer
- Unity3D Professional 2D Game Development From A to Z
- Make a Unity 2D Physics Game - For Beginners
- Unity 3D Game Development | 3D Engine Fundamentals
- How to Make a Video Game by TeamTreeHouse
- Materials in Unity by TeamTreeHouse
- Image Effects in Unity by TeamTreeHouse
- Unity Design Patterns
- Introduction to Game Development Coursera
- Introduction to Game Development Extra Credits
- Game Development for Modern Platforms Coursera
- Linear algebra for game developers
- 2D Game Art for Non-Artists