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Arjan Molenaar edited this page Nov 20, 2015 · 2 revisions

It started at the end of March (2013) when Markus started a discussion among the FitNesse maintainers:

I have the impression that we should start thinking about the different contexts and domains FitNesse is working in, decide on a core domain that is essential to FitNesse, and evolve everything else around that maybe using a Ports & Adapters architecture, or maybe something else.

The consensus among maintainers is that for FitNesse to remain an attractive tool for ATDD, work has been done to make it easier to integrate.

To put it in Markus' words again:

My thoughts go in the direction, that I think we can modularize FitNesse way more than we currently are doing it. My thoughts go in the direction of being able to integrate multiple test systems with the wiki, but also replace the input data from the wiki piece to a database led input provide or a file based input provider.

Things that come to mind (Dan's mind):

  • Better markup options (such as a dialect of Markdown)
  • Better distributed team collaboration
  • IDE Support

Update Nov 2015:

The code base has been modularised to a large extend. It's possible to hook up other test tools, such as Martin Gijsen's PowerTools and JBehave.

IDE support has been arranged for IntelliJ: (simply called FitNesse).

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