Script for advanced statistical analysis of Refugee Registration database & assistance tracking
Basic demographic variables
Specific needs
Case management events
Individual assistance events
Determine the percentage of the population by sex, age group, andother factors, and consider:
Is it the same as the local population? Does it coincide with the data from the country of origin?
Is there a higher-than-average percentage of women? Children? Older persons? Persons with disabilities?
If one group, such as adult men or young children, seems under- or over-represented, find out why.
Has the registration team been trained on how to identify and register groups with specific needs and persons at heightened risk?
Have groups with specific needs been registered in detail in coordination with community services? If not, why not and how will this be done?
Have those responsible for registration understood the criteria for unaccompanied and separated children?
Does the population profile indicate potential protection risks for any particular group?
Who might be at heightened risk? Why? What immediate action isbeing taken to protect these persons? Has a confidential, individual case-management system been established?
Do you have data on the leadership structure? Are any groups,especially minorities, youth and women, not represented? If so, why?
How does the socio-economic status and ethnic, linguistic and religious composition of the refugee population compare with that of the local host population?