The UI has been inspired by the app belonging to one of the best pizza makers
The app have been designed to resemble DodoPizza app.
- Objectives
- Implementation
- Demo
- to design UI of the first screen to have resemblence with DodoPizza app;
- to make section with food categories stick to navigation bar;
- to scroll catagory view until the first item from the selected category appears in the upper side of the screen;
- to make categories section button change it's appearence if one was selected;
- to display a badge with a nuber of items added to the cart button in the tab controller;
- to constraint UI elements to look good on different screen sizes.
The main screen consist of tab bar controller and collection view.
- Tab bar controller have several controllers for different scenes. "Cart" bar button is able to display a badge when item is selected on the main controller.
- Collection view is composed of two sections and a header view. One section displays baner and the other menu items. Header is also a collection view which enables full controll over button selection and what apearence a particular button has to take.