Install Visual Studio, Node.js, npm , Postman and Git bash
Step 1: Clone git repository and run 'npm init' to intialize the repository.
Step 2: Run 'npm install' to install all the dependencies specified in package.json
Step 3: Before starting the node server, start Mysql services.
Step 4: Run 'node server.js to start the server'
Step 5: Start Postman and hit the enpoints:
POST localhost:3000/api/users
GET localhost:3000/api/users/userAcc
PUT localhost:3000/api/users/updateAccount
POST localhost:3000/api/books
GET localhost:3000/api/books/:id
GET localhost:3000/api/books
DELETE localhost:3000/api/books/:id
POST localhost:3000/api/books/:id/images
DELETE localhost:3000/api/books/:bookId/images/:imageId