For more information about react native integration please check the link
Check the changelogs 👉 here
- Change the partner name with yours in the App.js file
- Add your partner name to manifestPlaceholders in the module-level build.gradle file
- Change the google-service.json file with yours
- Replace the applicationId with the one in your google-service.json file
- Choose your team from the Xcode's Signing & Capabilities tab, under the Signing section
- Repeat the first step for all targets(InsiderDemo, InsiderNotificationContent, NotificationService)
- Change bundle identifier with yours and select desired App Group
- Repeat the previous step for all targets(InsiderDemo, InsiderNotificationContent, NotificationService)
- Change the App Groups for NotificationService.m and NotificationViewController.m files
- Change the App Group in the App.js file
- Change the partner name for the URL Types, URL Schemes section(InsiderDemo)