Canvasclump is a chrome extension that allows users to select links on canvas file page. This extension only works for USU pages at this time. Inspired by LinkClump.
Clone the repository, open it, and run:
npm run build
Open the dist folder in chrome as a unpacked extension.
The hotkey for the Canvasclump is CTRL+SHIFT+U or click on the extension icon and press the get links button. Users can change settings and can see a list of previously copied links.
- @formkit/auto-animate: Used for list animations.
- lucide-react: Icon library
- react: Javascript library for building user interfaces.
- react-dom: Entry point for react to access DOM.
- react-router-dom: Router for react, used when building applications with multiple pages.
- use-chrome-storage: React hook to access google chrome plugin storage easily.
- @types/chrome: Typescript types for chrome.
- @types/react: Typescript types for react.
- @types/react-dom: Typescript types for react-dom.
- @vitejs/plugin-react: Plugin to support local vite react development
- autoprefixer: Postcss plugin to parse css.
- postcss: Transforms css with js plugins.
- tailwindcss: Utility first CSS framework.
- typescript: Language that adds optional types to javascript.
- vite: Local development server and build tool for web development.
There are two parts to this extension - the frontend UI that the user interfaces with and the extension code that runs in the background and on the webpage. When the extension is run a background.js
file is loaded. This file listens for the hotkey CMD-SHIFT-U
and runs the getLinks()
on that webpage. The data is then saved inside of chrome extension sync storage which is saved across chrome sessions.
All initial functionality added.
Changed hot key to CMD-SHIFT-U
and some small UI updates.