log4net.ElasticSearch is a module for the log4net library to log messages to the ElasticSearch document database. ElasticSearch offers robust full-text searching an analyzation so that errors and messages can be indexed quickly and searched easily. This version has been forked from the original log4net.Elasticsearch project to provide the ability to connect to AWS Elastisearch instances.
- Supports .NET 4.0+
- Easy installation and setup via Nuget
- Full support for the Elasticsearch _bulk API for buffered logging
"_index": "applog-uwcore-2017.06.06",
"_type": "uwLogEvent",
"_id": "AVx_hI1WdeUWtye4Pmuc",
"_score": 1,
"_source": {
"logDate": "2017-06-06T22:26:01.8624637Z",
"thread": "14",
"executingAssembly": "UW.Web.Services.Test",
"version": "",
"logLevel": "ERROR",
"logger": "UW.Web.Services.Test.Logging.Log4netLoggerTest",
"message": "Log4netLoggerTest_Extended_Fields_Get_Logged test message",
"exception": null,
"environment": "Workstation",
"host": "DFB1W52",
"originalCallerId": null,
"userAgent": null,
"page": "/",
"remoteIP": null,
"threadId": "cf115a29-aee3-43a0-8ef3-32bf44539e42",
"directCallerId": null,
"httpMethod": "GET",
"resourceName": "Testing",
"requestFormat": "json",
"webServiceVersion": "1",
"logSourceName": "UW Core Test Project",
"logModelKey": null,
"taskFriendlyID": null,
"hostProcessGuid": null,
"responseTime": 105,
"responseStatusCode": 200