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Code formatting of Renderer and Participant
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v6ak committed Oct 23, 2023
1 parent 0d27d1d commit 988c26b
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Showing 2 changed files with 59 additions and 62 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions client/src/main/scala/com/v6ak/zbdb/Participant.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ package com.v6ak.zbdb

import com.v6ak.scalajs.time.TimeInterval
import com.v6ak.zbdb.PartTimeInfo.Finished
import org.scalajs.dom

final case class Participant(
id: Int,
Expand All @@ -14,7 +13,7 @@ final case class Participant(
birthYear: Option[Int],
last3: Seq[String], // TODO: parse
partTimes: Seq[PartTimeInfo]
) {

def totalTime: TimeInterval = partTimes.headOption.fold(TimeInterval(0))(head=>
TimeInterval.fromMilliseconds(partTimes.last.lastTime - head.startTime)
Expand All @@ -41,4 +40,5 @@ final case class Participant(

def pauseTimes = => p.endTime - p.startTime)

def briefIdentification: String = s"$id: $fullNameWithNick"
def identification: String = s"#$briefIdentification"
115 changes: 56 additions & 59 deletions client/src/main/scala/com/v6ak/zbdb/Renderer.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
package com.v6ak.zbdb

import com.example.RichMoment.toRichMoment
import com.example.moment._
import com.example.moment.*
import com.v6ak.scalajs.scalatags.ScalaTagsBootstrapDomModifiers.*
import com.v6ak.scalajs.tables.{Column, TableHeadCell, TableRenderer}
import com.v6ak.scalajs.time.TimeInterval
import com.v6ak.zbdb.CollectionUtils._
import com.v6ak.zbdb.HtmlUtils._
import com.v6ak.zbdb.Bootstrap.*
import com.v6ak.zbdb.ChartJsUtils.*
import com.v6ak.zbdb.CollectionUtils.*
import com.v6ak.zbdb.HtmlUtils.*
import com.v6ak.zbdb.PartTimeInfo.Finished
import com.v6ak.zbdb.TextUtils._
import com.v6ak.zbdb.Renderer.*
import com.v6ak.zbdb.TextUtils.*
import org.scalajs.dom
import org.scalajs.dom.Node
import org.scalajs.dom._
import org.scalajs.dom.*
import scalatags.JsDom.all.{i as iTag, name as _, *}

import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.scalajs.js
import scala.scalajs.js.Dictionary
import scalatags.JsDom.all.{i => iTag, name => _, _}
import com.v6ak.scalajs.scalatags.ScalaTagsDomModifiers._
import com.v6ak.scalajs.scalatags.ScalaTagsBootstrapDomModifiers._

object Renderer{
object Renderer:
def renderPositionBadge(position: Option[Int]) =
position.fold(span(cls := "badge bg-danger badge-result")("DNF"))(order =>
span(cls := "badge bg-success badge-result")(s"$order.")
Expand All @@ -34,12 +34,10 @@ object Renderer{
plots: Seq[(String, String)],
year: String,
yearLinksOption: Option[Seq[(String, String)]],
): Renderer = {
): Renderer =
val r = new Renderer(participantTable, processingErrors, content, plots, year, yearLinksOption)

final class Renderer private(
participantTable: ParticipantTable,
Expand All @@ -48,7 +46,7 @@ final class Renderer private(
additionalPlots: Seq[(String, String)],
year: String,
yearLinksOption: Option[Seq[(String, String)]],
) {

private val plotRenderer = new PlotRenderer(participantTable)
private val timeLineRenderer = new TimeLineRenderer(participantTable, plotRenderer)
Expand All @@ -57,21 +55,16 @@ final class Renderer private(
Map("details" -> "details-switched"),

import ChartJsUtils._
import Renderer._
import Bootstrap._
import participantTable._
import plotRenderer._
import participantTable.*
import plotRenderer.*

private final implicit class RichParticipant(row: Participant){
private final implicit class RichParticipant(row: Participant):
def checkboxId = s"part-${}-checkbox"
def trId = s"part-${}-tr"

implicit private class RichTime(moment: Moment){
implicit private class RichTime(moment: Moment):
def timeOnlyDiv: Frag = div(title:=moment.toString)(humanReadable)
def humanReadable: String = f"${moment.hours()}:${moment.minutes()}%02d"

private object selection {
private val selectedParticipants = mutable.Set[Participant]()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -101,18 +94,19 @@ final class Renderer private(
selectedParticipantsElement.appendChild((s"K porovnání (${selectedParticipants.size}): "+selectedNames.toSeq.sorted.mkString(", ")).render)
(s"K porovnání (${selectedParticipants.size}): "+selectedNames.toSeq.sorted.mkString(", ")).render

private def yearSelection = dropdownGroup(Seq[Frag](year, " ", span(cls:="caret")))(
yearLinksOption match{
yearLinksOption match
case Some(yearLinks) =>{case (y, yearLink) =>
a(`class`:="dropdown-item", href:=yearLink)(y)
case None => span(cls:="badge bg-danger")("Ročníky nejsou k dispozici.")

val detailsValues = Set("with-details", "without-details")
Expand All @@ -134,7 +128,10 @@ final class Renderer private(
TableHeadCell("id, jméno")
)(renderParticipantColumn)(className = "participant-header"),
Column[Participant](TableHeadCell(""), TableHeadCell("Kat."))(p => Seq[Frag](span(cls:="gender")(Genders(p.gender)), " ", span(cls:="age")(p.age)))(className = "category")
)(p => Seq[Frag](span(cls:="gender")(Genders(p.gender)), " ", span(cls:="age")(p.age)))(className = "category")
) ++ Seq[Option[Column[Participant]]](
if(formatVersion.ageType == AgeType.BirthYear) Some(Column[Participant]("Roč.")(p => Seq[Frag](p.birthYear.get))) else None
).flatten ++ Seq(
Expand All @@ -150,10 +147,8 @@ final class Renderer private(
){(p: Participant) =>
if(p.hasFinished) p.totalTime.toString else ""
"Čas od prvního"
)((p: Participant) =>
if(p.hasFinished) participantTable.bestTotalTimeOption.fold[Frag]("")(fastest => (p.totalTime - fastest).toString)
Column("Čas od prvního")((p: Participant) =>
if(p.hasFinished) participantTable.bestTotalTimeOption.fold[Frag]("")(fastest => s"${p.totalTime - fastest}")
else ""
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -200,20 +195,21 @@ final class Renderer private(
)(onBsShown({ (_: js.Dynamic) =>
if (!popup.hasAttribute("data-loaded")) {
def select(f: (Finished, Finished) => Boolean) = => (p!=r) && finishedPartData(p).exists(f(pti, _)))
def select(f: (Finished, Finished) => Boolean) = => (p!=r) && finishedPartData(p).exists(f(pti, _)))
def compList(heading: Frag, participants: Seq[Participant]): Frag =
participants match {
participants match
case Seq() => "(nikdo)": Frag
case _ =>
ul({p =>
val pd = partData(p).get
li(s"${}: ${p.fullNameWithNick} (${pd.startTime.humanReadable} – ${pd.endTimeOption.fold("×")(_.humanReadable)})")
li(s"${p.identification} (${pd.startTime.humanReadable}" +
val details: Frag = Seq(
compList("Startoval(a) zároveň s", select((me, other) => me.startTime isSame other.startTime)),
Expand All @@ -235,7 +231,10 @@ final class Renderer private(
)(className = "col-time detailed-only"),
TableHeadCell(Seq[Frag](, br, span(`class` := "track-length", formatLength(part.cumulativeTrackLength))), colCount = 2),
fseq(, br, span(`class` := "track-length", formatLength(part.cumulativeTrackLength))),
colCount = 2
TableHeadCell(span(title := s"Čas příchodu na stanoviště č. ${i + 1}${}", "=>|"))
) { (r: Participant) =>
partData(r).collect { case f: Finished => f }.fold[Seq[Modifier]](Seq("")) { pti =>
Expand All @@ -245,20 +244,18 @@ final class Renderer private(

private def conditionalFirstBadge(first: Boolean) = if (first) Seq[Modifier](FirstBadge, addClass("first")) else Seq()
private def conditionalFirstBadge(first: Boolean) = if (first) Seq[Modifier](FirstBadge, `class`:="first") else Seq()

def renderParticipantColumn(r: Participant): Frag = Seq(
label(`for` := r.checkboxId, cls := "participant-header-label")(
input(`type`:="checkbox", `class`:="participant-checkbox d-print-none", id:=r.checkboxId, onChange { e =>
val el = e.currentTarget.asInstanceOf[HTMLInputElement]
el.checked match {
case true => selection.addRow(r)
case false => selection.removeRow(r)
if el.checked then selection.addRow(r)
else selection.removeRow(r)
" ",
s"${}: ${r.fullNameWithNick}",
div(`class` := "actions d-print-none")(chartButtons(r))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -295,14 +292,17 @@ final class Renderer private(

private def showBar(implicit x: Nothing): Nothing = ???
private def showBar(implicit x: Nothing): Nothing = ??? // needed in order to behave like a property

private def showBar_=(shown: Boolean): Unit ={ = if(shown) "" else "hidden"
private def showBar_=(shown: Boolean): Unit = = if(shown) "" else "hidden"

private def chartButton(title: String, rowsLoader: => Seq[Participant], plotDataGenerator: Seq[Participant] => PlotData, description: Frag) =
btnDefault(`class` := "btn-sm")(description)(onclick := {(_:Any) =>
private def chartButton(
title: String,
rowsLoader: => Seq[Participant],
plotDataGenerator: Seq[Participant] => PlotData,
description: Frag
) =
btnDefault(`class` := "btn-sm")(description)(onclick := { (_:Any) =>
val (dialog, modalBody, bsMod) = modal(title)
dialog.onBsModalShown({() =>
initializePlot(modalBody, plotDataGenerator(rowsLoader), cb => dialog.onBsModalHidden(cb))
Expand All @@ -311,15 +311,13 @@ final class Renderer private(

private def chartButtons(row: Participant) = //span(cls := "detailed-only")(
timelineButton(row)(`class` := "btn-sm btn-timeline")
private def chartButtons(row: Participant) = timelineButton(row)(`class` := "btn-sm btn-timeline")

private def timelineButton(row: Participant) =
onclick := { (_: Any) =>
val (dialog, modalBody, bsMod) = modal(s"Časová osa pro #${}: ${row.fullNameWithNick}")
val (dialog, modalBody, bsMod) = modal(s"Časová osa pro ${row.identification}")
val (timeLine, renderPlots) = timeLineRenderer.timeLine(row)
Expand All @@ -333,13 +331,15 @@ final class Renderer private(

private def showThrowable(rootThrowable: Throwable) = ul(causeStream(rootThrowable).map {
case CellsParsingException(cells, _) => li("K chybě došlo při zpracování následujících buňek: ", showCells(cells))
case BadTimeInfoFormatException() => li("Očekáváné varianty: a) nevyplněno, b) pouze čas startu, c) všechny tři časy (start, doba, cíl). Pokud je některý čas nevyplněn, očekává se prázdné políčko nebo \"X\".")
case MaxHourDeltaExceededException(maxHourDelta, prevTime, currentTime) => li(f"Od ${prevTime.hoursAndMinutes} do ${currentTime.hoursAndMinutes} to trvá více než $maxHourDelta hodin, což je nějaké divné, asi to bude chyba.")
case BadTimeInfoFormatException() => li("Očekáváné varianty: a) nevyplněno, b) pouze čas startu, " +
"c) všechny tři časy (start, doba, cíl). Pokud je některý čas nevyplněn, očekává se prázdné políčko nebo \"X\".")
case MaxHourDeltaExceededException(maxHourDelta, prevTime, currentTime) => li(f"Od ${prevTime.hoursAndMinutes} do" +
f" ${currentTime.hoursAndMinutes} to trvá více než $maxHourDelta hodin, což je nějaké divné, asi to bude chyba.")
case e: DeadlineExceededException => li("Tento účastník došel až po konci pochodu.")
case e => li(iTag(e.getClass.getName), ": ", e.getMessage)

private def initialize(): Unit = {
private def initialize(): Unit =
showBar = false
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -380,6 +380,3 @@ final class Renderer private(


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