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sras committed Nov 4, 2016
1 parent a43ee57 commit 45c7a2d
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Showing 5 changed files with 57 additions and 121 deletions.
21 changes: 9 additions & 12 deletions SpockOpaleye/app/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,15 +34,12 @@ app :: SpockM Connection MySession MyAppState ()
app = do
post ("tenants/new") $
do maybe_tenant_incoming <- jsonBody
maybe_newtenant <-
case maybe_tenant_incoming of
Just incoming_tenant -> do
result <-
runQuery (\conn -> validateIncomingTenant conn incoming_tenant)
case result of
Valid -> runQuery (\conn -> create_tenant conn incoming_tenant)
_ -> return Nothing
Nothing -> return Nothing
case maybe_newtenant of
Just tenant -> json tenant
_ -> json $ T.pack "Tenant not created"
case maybe_tenant_incoming of
Just incoming_tenant -> do
result <- runQuery (\conn -> validateIncomingTenant conn incoming_tenant)
case result of
Valid -> do
new_tenant <- runQuery (\conn -> create_tenant conn incoming_tenant)
json new_tenant
_ -> json $ T.pack "Validation fail"
Nothing -> json $ T.pack "Unrecognized input"
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions SpockOpaleye/src/OpaleyeDef.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -210,6 +210,12 @@ instance D.Default Constant (UserId) (Column (Nullable PGInt4)) where
def' :: UserId -> (Column (Nullable PGInt4))
def' (UserId id) = (toNullable.pgInt4) id

instance D.Default Constant (UserId) (Maybe (Column PGInt4)) where
def = Constant def'
def' :: UserId -> Maybe (Column PGInt4)
def' (UserId id) = Just $ pgInt4 id

instance FromField UserId where
fromField field mdata = do
x <- fromField field mdata
Expand All @@ -225,6 +231,12 @@ instance D.Default Constant (RoleId) (Column PGInt4) where
def' :: RoleId -> (Column PGInt4)
def' (RoleId id) = pgInt4 id

instance D.Default Constant (RoleId) (Maybe (Column PGInt4)) where
def = Constant def'
def' :: RoleId -> Maybe (Column PGInt4)
def' (RoleId id) = Just $ pgInt4 id

instance FromField RoleId where
fromField field mdata = do
x <- fromField field mdata
Expand All @@ -240,6 +252,12 @@ instance D.Default Constant (TenantId) (Column PGInt4) where
def' :: TenantId -> (Column PGInt4)
def' (TenantId id) = pgInt4 id

instance D.Default Constant (TenantId) (Maybe (Column PGInt4)) where
def = Constant def'
def' :: TenantId -> Maybe (Column PGInt4)
def' (TenantId id) = Just $ pgInt4 id

instance FromField TenantId where
fromField field mdata = do
x <- fromField field mdata
Expand All @@ -258,3 +276,7 @@ instance D.Default Constant () (Column PGText) where

instance D.Default Constant () (Column (Nullable PGText)) where
def = Constant (\_ -> toNullable $ pgStrictText "")

instance D.Default Constant Text (Column (Nullable PGText)) where
def = Constant (toNullable.pgStrictText)

15 changes: 2 additions & 13 deletions SpockOpaleye/src/RoleAPi.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,19 +19,8 @@ import GHC.Int
import Opaleye
import OpaleyeDef

create_role :: Connection -> Role -> IO (Maybe Role)
create_role conn role@Role { role_tenantid = tenant_id , role_name = name , role_permission = rp } = do
ids <-
conn roleTable (return Role {
role_id = Nothing,
role_tenantid = constant tenant_id,
role_name = pgStrictText name,
role_permission = constant rp
}) id
return $ case ids of
[] -> Nothing
(x:xs) -> Just x
create_role :: Connection -> Role -> IO Role
create_role conn role = fmap Prelude.head $ runInsertManyReturning conn roleTable [constant role] id

remove_role :: Connection -> Role -> IO GHC.Int.Int64
remove_role conn Role {role_id = t_id} = do
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35 changes: 6 additions & 29 deletions SpockOpaleye/src/TenantApi.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,12 +25,9 @@ import OpaleyeDef
import RoleApi
import UserApi

create_tenant :: Connection -> TenantIncoming -> IO (Maybe Tenant)
create_tenant :: Connection -> TenantIncoming -> IO Tenant
create_tenant conn tenant = do
tenants <- runInsertManyReturning conn tenantTable [constant tenant] id
return $ case tenants of
[] -> Nothing
(x:xs) -> Just x
fmap Prelude.head $ runInsertManyReturning conn tenantTable [constant tenant] id

activate_tenant :: Connection -> Tenant -> IO Tenant
activate_tenant conn tenant = set_tenant_status conn tenant TenantStatusActive
Expand All @@ -39,37 +36,17 @@ deactivate_tenant :: Connection -> Tenant -> IO Tenant
deactivate_tenant conn tenant = set_tenant_status conn tenant TenantStatusInActive

set_tenant_status :: Connection -> Tenant -> TenantStatus -> IO Tenant
set_tenant_status conn tenant status = update_tenant conn (tenant_id tenant)
tenant { tenant_status = status }
set_tenant_status conn tenant status = update_tenant conn (tenant_id tenant) tenant { tenant_status = status }

update_tenant :: Connection -> TenantId -> Tenant -> IO Tenant
update_tenant conn t_tenantid tenant@Tenant {
tenant_id = id
,tenant_name = name
,tenant_firstname = first_name
,tenant_lastname = last_name
,tenant_email = email
,tenant_phone = phone
,tenant_status = status
,tenant_ownerid = owner_id
,tenant_backofficedomain = bo_domain} = do
update_tenant conn t_tenantid tenant = do
runUpdate conn tenantTable update_func match_func
return tenant
match_func :: TenantTableR -> Column PGBool
match_func Tenant { tenant_id = id } = id .== (constant t_tenantid)
match_func Tenant { tenant_id = id } = id .== constant t_tenantid
update_func :: TenantTableR -> TenantTableW
update_func x = Tenant {
tenant_id = constant $ Just id
,tenant_name = pgStrictText name
,tenant_firstname = pgStrictText first_name
,tenant_lastname = pgStrictText last_name
,tenant_email = pgStrictText email
,tenant_phone = pgStrictText phone
,tenant_status = constant status
,tenant_ownerid = toNullable . constant <$> owner_id
,tenant_backofficedomain = pgStrictText bo_domain
update_func x = constant tenant

remove_tenant :: Connection -> Tenant -> IO GHC.Int.Int64
remove_tenant conn tenant@Tenant {tenant_id = tid} = do
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85 changes: 18 additions & 67 deletions SpockOpaleye/src/UserApi.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,87 +26,38 @@ import OpaleyeDef

import CryptoDef

create_user :: Connection -> User -> IO (Maybe User)
create_user conn user@User {
user_id = _
,user_tenantid = tenant_id
,user_username = username
,user_password = password
,user_firstname = first_name
,user_lastname = last_name
,user_status = status
} = do
users <-
runInsertManyReturning conn userTable (return User {
user_id = Nothing
,user_tenantid = constant tenant_id
,user_username = pgStrictText username
,user_password = constant password
,user_firstname = toNullable . pgStrictText <$> first_name
,user_lastname = toNullable . pgStrictText <$> last_name
,user_status = constant status
}) id
return $ case users of
[] -> Nothing
(x:xs) -> Just x

update_user :: Connection -> UserId -> User -> IO GHC.Int.Int64
update_user conn (UserId tid) (User {
user_id = _
,user_tenantid = tenant_id
,user_username = username
,user_password = password
,user_firstname = firstname
,user_lastname = lastname
,user_status = status }) = runUpdate conn userTable update_func match_func
create_user :: Connection -> User -> IO User
create_user conn user = Prelude.head <$> runInsertManyReturning conn userTable [constant user] id

update_user :: Connection -> UserId -> User -> IO User
update_user conn user_id user = do
runUpdate conn userTable update_func match_func
return user
update_func User { user_id = id } = User {
user_id = Just id
, user_tenantid = constant tenant_id
, user_username = pgStrictText username
, user_password = constant password
, user_firstname = toNullable . pgStrictText <$> firstname
, user_lastname = toNullable . pgStrictText <$> lastname
, user_status = constant status
match_func User { user_id = id } = id .== constant tid

activate_user :: Connection -> User -> IO GHC.Int.Int64
update_func :: UserTableR -> UserTableW
update_func _ = constant user
match_func :: UserTableR -> Column PGBool
match_func User { user_id = id } = id .== constant user_id

activate_user :: Connection -> User -> IO User
activate_user conn user = set_user_status conn user UserStatusActive

deactivate_user :: Connection -> User -> IO GHC.Int.Int64
deactivate_user :: Connection -> User -> IO User
deactivate_user conn user = set_user_status conn user UserStatusInActive

set_user_status :: Connection -> User -> UserStatus -> IO GHC.Int.Int64
set_user_status conn user@User {
user_id = id
,user_tenantid = tid
,user_username = username
,user_password = password
,user_firstname = firstname
,user_lastname = lastname
,user_status = status} new_status = update_user conn id User { user_id = id
,user_tenantid = tid
,user_username = username
,user_password = password
,user_firstname = firstname
,user_lastname = lastname
,user_status = new_status }

set_user_status :: Connection -> User -> UserStatus -> IO User
set_user_status conn user new_status = update_user conn (user_id user) user { user_status = new_status }
remove_user :: Connection -> User -> IO GHC.Int.Int64
remove_user conn User {user_id = tid} =
runDelete conn userTable match_function
match_function User { user_id = id } = id .== constant tid

read_users :: Connection -> IO [User]
read_users conn = do
runQuery conn $ user_query
read_users conn = runQuery conn user_query

read_users_for_tenant :: Connection -> TenantId -> IO [User]
read_users_for_tenant conn tenant_id = do
r <- runQuery conn $ user_query_by_tenantid tenant_id
return r
read_users_for_tenant conn tenant_id = runQuery conn $ user_query_by_tenantid tenant_id

read_user_by_id :: Connection -> UserId -> IO (Maybe User)
read_user_by_id conn id = do
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