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meditans committed Dec 2, 2016
1 parent e4c9317 commit ed86de3
Showing 1 changed file with 20 additions and 151 deletions.
171 changes: 20 additions & 151 deletions UI/ReflexFRP/mockUsersRoles/mockClient/app/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,93 +1,50 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude, OverloadedStrings, RecursiveDo #-}

{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, DeriveGeneric, NoImplicitPrelude, OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, RecursiveDo, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications, TypeOperators #-}

{-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fdefer-typed-holes #-}

module Main where

import ClassyPrelude
import Control.Lens
import Reflex.Dom
import Reflex.Dom.Contrib.Router

import MockAPI

import Pages.Overview
import Pages.Edit
import Utils

import Reflex.Dom.Contrib.Router

-- import ClassyPrelude
-- import Data.Proxy
-- import Reflex.Dom
-- import qualified Reflex.Dom.Contrib.Router as RR
-- import Servant.API
-- import Servant.Router
import Control.Lens
-- import Control.Lens.Wrapped
import Web.Routes.PathInfo
-- import GHC.Generics

-- import Data.Time.Clock

main :: IO ()
main = mainWidget $ mdo
Just initialUrl <- stripPrefix "http://localhost:8081" <$> getUrlText'
putStrLn $ "The initial url is: " <> initialUrl

r :: Route _ Text <- partialPathRoute "" $ def { _routeConfig_pushState = transl <$> renderAndSwitch }
r :: Route _ Text <- partialPathRoute "" $ def { _routeConfig_pushState = appStateToText <$> renderAndSwitch }
let routeValue = traceDyn "routeValue: " $ uniqDyn $ value r

renderAndSwitch <- domMorph app currentState

currentState <- traceDyn "pagui "<$> (holdDyn (BootApp initialUrl) $ leftmost
[ renderAndSwitch
, fmapMaybe viewSwitcher $ updated routeValue
, fmapMaybe textToAppState $ updated routeValue

return ()

transl :: AppState -> Text
transl (BootApp _) = "/bootApp"
transl (Overview _ _) = "/overview"
transl (Edit _ _ (rn,_)) = "/edit/" <> rn
transl _ = "Not yet defined in transl"

viewSwitcher :: Either Text Text -> Maybe AppState
viewSwitcher (Right "/overview") = Just (BootApp "/overview")
viewSwitcher (Right "/edit/AccountAdministrator") = Just (BootApp "/edit/AccountAdministrator")
viewSwitcher _ = Nothing

run :: forall t m . MonadWidget t m => m ()
run = mdo
pb <- getPostBuild
text "2"
r :: Route t MyType <- webRoute "" $ def { _routeConfig_pushState = fmapMaybe id $ tag (current vs) go }
xs <- textInput def { _textInputConfig_setValue = (pack . show) <$>
fmapMaybe hush (leftmost [updated (value r), tag (current $ value r) pb]) }
let vs :: Dynamic t (Maybe MyType) = traceDyn "vs" $ (readMay . unpack) <$> value xs
go <- button "Go"
return ()

-- main :: IO ()
-- main = mainWidget $ do
-- rec rendererAndSwitch <- domMorph app currentState
-- currentState <- holdDyn BootApp rendererAndSwitch
-- return ()
appStateToText :: AppState -> Text
appStateToText (BootApp _) = "/bootApp"
appStateToText (Overview _ _) = "/overview"
appStateToText (Edit _ _ (rn,_)) = "/edit/" <> rn
appStateToText _ = "Not yet defined in appStateToText"

-- internalRouting :: Text -> AppState
-- internalRouting "http://localhost:8081/overwiew" = BootApp
-- internalRouting "http://localhost:8081/edit/" = Dispatcher "http://localhost:8081/overwiew"
-- internalRouting other = traceShow other NotFound
textToAppState :: Either Text Text -> Maybe AppState
textToAppState (Right "/overview") = Just (BootApp "/overview")
textToAppState (Right "/edit/AccountAdministrator") = Just (BootApp "/edit/AccountAdministrator")
textToAppState _ = Nothing

app :: MonadWidget t m => AppState -> m (Event t AppState)
app (BootApp "/overview") = do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -118,97 +75,9 @@ app NotFound = do
text "I'm really sorry, there is nothing here!"
return never

-- app (Dispatcher t)
-- | t == "http://localhost:8081/overwiew" = do
-- pb <- getPostBuild
-- text "This is the dispatcher: you entered "
-- text t
-- return $ (const BootApp) <$> pb
-- | "http://localhost:8081/edit/" `isPrefixOf` t = do

-- ----------------------------------------------
-- -- | delay an Event by the amount of time specified in its value
-- drivenDelay :: MonadWidget t m
-- => Event t (NominalDiffTime,a) -- ^ delay time in seconds + value
-- -> m (Event t a)
-- drivenDelay e = performEventAsync . ffor e $ \(dt,a) cb -> liftIO . void . forkIO $ do
-- threadDelay . ceiling $ dt * 1000000
-- cb a

-- main :: IO ()
-- main = routeSite $ \uri -> do
-- let handler = overviewPage :<|> editPage'
-- result <- runRoute uri (Proxy @Navigation) handler
-- case result of
-- Left _ -> do
-- el "div" $ text "Incorrect address"
-- return never
-- Right e -> do
-- let e' = traceEvent "sono in main: " e
-- performEvent_ $ ffor e $ \t -> liftIO (setWindowLocationHref t)
-- return e'

-- New routing example

-- main :: IO ()
-- main = mainWidget run

-- Greg's example on webroutes
data MyType = Cat
| Dog Int
deriving (Eq, Show, Read,Generic)

instance PathInfo MyType

-- run :: forall t m . MonadWidget t m => m ()
-- run = mdo
-- pb <- getPostBuild
-- text "2"
-- r :: Route t MyType <- webRoute "" $ def { _routeConfig_pushState = fmapMaybe id $ tag (current vs) go }
-- xs <- textInput def { _textInputConfig_setValue = (pack . show) <$>
-- fmapMaybe hush (leftmost [updated (value r), tag (current $ value r) pb]) }
-- let vs :: Dynamic t (Maybe MyType) = traceDyn "vs" $ (readMay . unpack) <$> value xs
-- go <- button "Go"
-- return ()

hush :: Either e a -> Maybe a
hush (Right a) = Just a
hush _ = Nothing

translateCat :: Maybe MyType -> Maybe Text
translateCat Nothing = Nothing
translateCat (Just Cat) = Just "cat"
translateCat (Just (Dog n)) = Just $ "dog" <> tshow n

-- Master translation of greg's example
-- run :: forall t m . MonadWidget t m => m ()
-- run = mdo
-- pb <- getPostBuild
-- text "2"
-- r :: Route t <- RR.route def { _routeConfig_pushState = translate2 <$> tag (current vs) go }
-- xs <- textInput def
-- -- { _textInputConfig_setValue = tshow <$>
-- -- fmapMaybe translate1 (leftmost [updated (value r), tag (current $ value r) pb]) }
-- let vs :: Dynamic t (Maybe AppState) = traceDyn "vs" $ translate1 <$> value xs
-- go <- button "Go"
-- dynText $ value r
-- return ()

-- translate1 :: Text -> Maybe AppState
-- translate1 "http://localhost:8081/overviewInit" = Just OverviewInit
-- translate1 "http://localhost:8081/editInit" = Just EditInit
-- translate1 _ = Just BootApp

-- translate2 :: Maybe AppState -> Text
-- translate2 (Just OverviewInit) = "overviewInit"
-- translate2 (Just EditInit) = "editInit"
-- translate2 Nothing = "overview"

-- hush :: Either e a -> Maybe a
-- hush (Right a) = Just a
-- hush _ = Nothing
-- Wrapper around the pages:

overviewPage :: forall t m. MonadWidget t m => m (Event t Text)
overviewPage = do
Expand Down

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