Eduanat2 allows easy visualization of medical images, ideal for teaching life sciences at school. Based on qooxdoo, THREE.js, DESK and electron.js for the desktop version, Eduanat2 has been developed with ease of use as a primary objective, in cooperation with the French Institute for Education (IFE).
A feature-complete online version is available here:
Desktop versions for all major platforms (Linux, Windows, Mac) are available here:
To build EduAnat2 on your computer, you need:
- git
- node.js
git clone
cd eduAnat2
npm install
npm run build
CeCILL-B (BSD-compatible), if you use this code for academic purposes, please cite this article:
Link to PDF H. Jacinto, R. Kéchichan, M. Desvignes, R. Prost, and S. Valette, "A Web Interface for 3D Visualization and Interactive Segmentation of Medical Images", 17th International Conference on 3D Web Technology (Web 3D 2012), Los-Angeles, USA, pp. 51-58, 2012
Copyright (c) CNRS, INSA-Lyon, UCBL, INSERM