Automatically save the word that you looked up in GoldenDict to Anki
When you look up a word in GoldenDict's main window or by a small pop-up window, the word along with its explaination will be saved into Anki simutaneouly.
Open GoldenDict, Click [Edit]--[Dictionaries] --[Source]--[Programs]--[Add], set as following and click [apply]:
- Type: HTML
- Name: set as your wish, Let's call it Ak here
- Command Line: "YourLocalPah\GD2Anki.exe" %GDWORD%
- please be noted that path_to_GD2Anki.exe is double quoted and there is a
before %GDWORD% - Icon: Any local icon file
it is suggested to move the Ak dictionary to the last postion, because the saving-to-Anki process takes 3 seconds, not fast enough.
- Click [Edit]--[Dictionaries] --[Dictionaries], select and drag Ak dictionary to the last and click [OK]
- Make sure you get a deck like below image shows
- DeckName: the deck you'll save the word into
- ModelName: the model name of the deck
- CardFrontName: the word you looked up
- CardBackName: the explanation you get from a local dictionary (*.mdx) which is set in Config.ini
- Note : in Config.ini, there is no need for double-quotion mark for mdxfile path. Just like this
mdxfile1 = D:\Downloads\GoldenDict2Anki-master\朗文6中英双解.mdx
mdxfile2 = D:\Downloads\GoldenDict2Anki-master\简明英汉字典增强版.mdx
- mdict_query: link