A Kodi client for LG Smart TVs with webOS - experimental!!
websocket-as-promised https://github.com/vitalets/websocket-as-promised
Kodi Web Interface Arnold https://github.com/scholtzm/arnold
React-TV https://github.com/raphamorim/react-tv
Developing for TVs with React-TV https://medium.com/@raphamorim/developing-for-tvs-with-react-tv-b5b5204964ef
React Key Navigation https://github.com/dead/react-key-navigation/
Pass the Remote: User Input on TV Devices https://medium.com/netflix-techblog/pass-the-remote-user-input-on-tv-devices-923f6920c9a8
How to implement Netflix slider with React and hooks https://levelup.gitconnected.com/how-to-implement-netflix-slider-with-react-and-hooks-bdb9b99d1ce4?gi=521ebd0d4dee
Open src/config/index.js and edit.
Set the host and ports from your local Kodi installation
we use websockets (websocket-as-promised) to get all data, instead of "http request/get" due to CORS restrictions
See JSON-RPC-API https://kodi.wiki/view/JSON-RPC_API
if you want to emulate a local server, for testing:
$ cd /server
$ yarn install
$ node server.js
by default the server will listen on localhost and port 9090. Edit if necessary.
- The server will always respond with the same reply as long as the message sent contains at least one "id" and one method called "VideoLibrary.GetMovies" or "VideoLibrary.GetTVShows".
send >> {"id":"CPTsgg5pv","jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"VideoLibrary.GetMovies","params":{"limits":{"start":0,"end":5},"properties":["art","genre","director","trailer","tagline","plot","plotoutline","title","originaltitle","lastplayed","runtime","year","playcount","rating","thumbnail","file"],"sort":{"method":"sorttitle","ignorearticle":true}}}
receive >> {"id":"CPTsgg5pv","jsonrpc":"2.0","result":{"limits":{"end":10,"start":0,"total":1131},"movies":[ {"art":{"fanart":"image:....jpg/","poster":"image://....jpg/"},"file":"smb://....mp4","label":"3 Nights in the Desert","movieid":"OTU9VdxnT","playcount":0,"rating":4.3000001907348632812,"thumbnail":"image://....jpg/"}, {"art":{"fanart":"image://....jpg/","poster":"image://....jpg/"},"file":"smb://....mkv","label":"6 Dias","movieid":"6sB6Ff1MIG","playcount":0,"rating":6.0999999046325683594,"thumbnail":"image://....jpg/"}, ....}]}}
The websocket implementation will ensure that the reply message has the same "id" as the sent message, otherwise it will be discarded.
In the configuration file, change the "is_static" variable to "true" to resolve all external image urls to a static image.
$ git clone
$ cd kodi2webos
$ yarn install
$ yarn run
To run on an emulator or smart tv, see: http://webostv.developer.lge.com/sdk/installation/# Follow the steps in the article: https://medium.com/@raphamorim/developing-for-tvs-with-react-tv-b5b5204964ef
develop something that looks like this:
- websocket send/request communication
- list movies/tvshows
- works in browser
- works in webos
- Design interface
- Sections: Movies | TV Shows | Settings
- Horizontal List - Categories (Recently added, in progress, genres...)
- Vertical List
- Movies | TV Shows details
- Background image
- Create a Video Player
- Test key navigation
- Publish to LG Store
- Documentation