This repository contains the results of the Data Science Nanodegree Sparkify Capstone Project. Its’s purpose is to give the reviewers access to the code. More information can be found on a Medium Blog Post.
- Installation
- Project Motivation
- Files Description
- Result
- Licensing, Authors, and Acknowledgements
This project uses the following software and Python libraries:
You will also need to have software installed like Anaconda to run and execute a Jupyter Notebook.
- Loading large datasets into Spark and manipulating them using Spark SQL and Spark Dataframes
- Using the machine learning APIs within Spark ML to build and tune models
- Integrating the skills I've learned in the Spark course and the Data Scientist Nanodegree program
- Sparkify.ipynb Notebook is main file of the project.
- It demonstrates the process of using pyspark to explore the data and build the model.
We Split the feature & target variable data set into train, test and then built pipeline and implemented 3 machine learning models. Since the churned users are a fairly small subset, we used F1 score as the metric to optimize and we found GBTClassifier better model compared to other One.
I post a blog about the detail, you can find it here.
Must give credit to Udacity for the project. And instructions in the notebook are also well prepared by Udacity team.