call IMCCE miriade ephemeris service with matlab
- set the target
for asteroid, use a: in front of its name;
for planets, use p: in front of its name, e.g p:Neptune;
for comet, use c: in front of its name, e.g c:67P;
for satellite,use s: in front of its name, e.g s:Nereid;
- set the epoch , step , numbers . ALL ARE OPTIONAL
the default epoch is 'now',default step is '1d',default number is 1;
- get the ephemeris with observatory. parameter is optional.
tareget=tareget.get_ephemeris();% for default observatory in yaoan.
tareget=tareget.get_ephemeris('O44'); % for observatory in Lijiang
target.originSrc % the origin source from Horizon % the formated ephemrides from source , a matlab table format
target.official_name % check the name of object
target.getitme('RA',1) % get the first RA{1,'RA'} % the same to the up
target.getitme('RA',:) % get all RA
target.fields % show all items