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1.2. Makefile

Rafał Lorenz edited this page Jul 3, 2021 · 5 revisions


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➜  go-api-boilerplate git:(master) make
version                        Show version
workflow-generate              Generate github workflows from templates
key                            [HTTP] Generate key
cert                           [HTTP] Generate self signed certificate
docker-build                   [DOCKER] Build given container. Example: `make docker-build BIN=user`
docker-run                     [DOCKER] Run container on given port. Example: `make docker-run BIN=user PORT=3000`
docker-stop                    [DOCKER] Stop docker container. Example: `make docker-stop BIN=user`
docker-rm                      [DOCKER] Stop and then remove docker container. Example: `make docker-rm BIN=user`
docker-publish                 [DOCKER] Docker publish. Example: `make docker-publish BIN=user REGISTRY=`
docker-tag                     [DOCKER] Tag current container. Example: `make docker-tag BIN=user REGISTRY=`
docker-release                 [DOCKER] Docker release - build, tag and push the container. Example: `make docker-release BIN=user REGISTRY=`
terraform-install              [TERRAFORM] Install terraform deployment to your kubernetes cluster. Example: `make terraform-install`
terraform-destroy              [TERRAFORM] Remove deployment kubernetes cluster. Example: `make terraform-destroy`
telepresence-swap-local        [TELEPRESENCE] Replace the existing deployment with the Telepresence proxy for local process. Example: `make telepresence-swap-local BIN=user PORT=3000 DEPLOYMENT=go-api-boilerplate-user`
telepresence-swap-docker       [TELEPRESENCE] Replace the existing deployment with the Telepresence proxy for local docker image. Example: `make telepresence-swap-docker BIN=user PORT=3000 DEPLOYMENT=go-api-boilerplate-user`
aws-repo-login                 [HELPER] login to AWS-ECR
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