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C compiler targeting the Duke 250/16 MIPS-like RISC architecture. This was written in C# as a side project to automate creation of tests for a custom CPU developed in a course-related project.

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A subset-of-C compiler targeting the Duke 250/16 architecture.

This project is still very much a work in progress. The end goal is to be able to compile a large enough subset of the C language to be sufficient for general-purpose demonstrations and implementation of simple algorithms. If I can eventually get HoopsStats.c compiled and running on this, I'll be a happy man.

Completion Status: 80%. As of now, it can compile full programs and call functions and produce I/O, as well as support for if statements, local variables, addition/subtraction, inline ASM. Currently working on debugging some local var stack management stuff.



To compile a source file program.c, run:

dcc program.c

If using the development version, instead use:

dotnet run program.c

This will produce the output file program.s, containing assembly code in the Duke 250/16 architecture.

Duke 250/16 assembler and simulator

There is an assembler and simulator for the Duke 250/16 packaged with this repository, included in the asm-sim folder. These are not written by me. For more information about these programs, please contact Professor Daniel Sorin at Duke University.

To assemble and run the compiled program, first build the assembler and simulator from source:

cd asm-sim

Then, run the assembler:

./asm program.s

This will produce two output files:

  • program.imem.lgsim - Instruction memory image
  • program.dmem.lgsm - Data memory image

These are Logisim-compatible memory image files, which can either be loaded into the RAM and ROM components of a Logisim implementation of the Duke 250/16, or run with the included simulator.

To run these programs with the included simulator, use:

./sim program.imem.lgsim program.dmem.lgsim

For more details about the Duke 250/16 assembler and simulator, please see the included in the asm-sim folder.


Feel free to contribute via pull requests or suggestions. More example programs are also welcome.

Build Instructions

This compiler is written in C# .NET. To build, you'll need to install the .NET developer tools. To check if you have this installed, you can run:

dotnet --version

To build, run:

dotnet build

The Duke 250/16 Architecture

The Duke 250/16 is a 16-bit MIPS-like, word-addressed RISC architecture created for educational purposes in the COMPSCI 250 course at Duke University.

Instruction Set

Instruction Opcode Type Usage Operation
lw 000 I lw $rt, Imm($rs) $rt = Mem[$rs+Imm]
sw 001 I sw $rt, Imm($rs) Mem[$rs+Imm] = $rt
beq 010 I beq $rs, $rt, Imm if ($rs==$rt) then PC=PC+1+Imm
blt 011 I blt $rs, $rt, Imm if ($rs<$rt) then PC=PC+1+Imm
not 100 R not $rd, $rs $rd = NOT $rs
xor 101 R xor $rd, $rs, $rt $rd = $rs XOR $rt
addi 110 I addi $rt, $rs, Imm $rt=$rs+Imm
add 111 R add $rd, $rs, $rt $rd=$rs+$rt
sub 1000 R sub $rd, $rs, $rt $rd=$rs-$rt
shra 1001 R shra $rd, $rs, <shamt> $rd = $rs shifted <shamt> to right
shl 1010 R slh $rd, $rs, <shamt> $rd = $rs shifted <shamt> to left
j 1011 J j L PC = L (upper 4 bits same)
jal 1100 J jal L $r7=PC+1; PC = L
jr 1101 R jr $rs PC = $rs
output 1110 R output $rs print $rs on a TTY display
input 1111 R input $rd $rd = keyboard input

Memory Layout

  • Instruction Memory

    • Text: 0x00000xFFFF
  • Data Memory

    • Stack: Stack pointer is initially 0x7FFF. Grows down
    • Heap: 0x2000 and grows up
    • Static Data: 0x00000x1FFF


There are 8 registers in the register file of the Duke 250/16, in addition to the PC program counter register (which is not in the register file). These registers are named r0 through r7. Registers can each hold one word, which is two bytes.

Here are their conventional uses and descriptions:

  • r0 is always equal to 0
  • r1r4 are general-purpose callee-saved registers
    • May be used to pass parameters
  • r5 is the return value
  • r6 is the stack pointer
  • r7 is the link register for jal, similar to $ra in MIPS

Functions and Variables

All local variables will live on the stack. The compiler will keep track of the stack for the local scope. Whenever an operation needs to manipulate local variables, they will all be copied from the stack into registers r1r5 (as needed), the operation will be performed on them, and then they will be copied back into their corresponding positions on the stack.


Compilation Process

  • Basic source code parsing
  • Preprocessing
  • Tokenization
  • Parsing into AST
  • Optimization (long-term, low-priority)
  • Code generation
    • Targeting Duke 250/16 (still need file output)
    • Targeting regular MIPS (long-term, low-priority)
    • Targeting x86 (long-term, low-priority)

Language Features

  • Comments and white space
  • Preprocessor #include
  • Preprocessor #define
  • Global (static memory) variables
  • Functions
  • Locally-scoped (stack) variables
  • Expression evaluation
    • Commonly used operations and expressions (ex. +, -, ==, etc.)
    • Less commonly used operations (ex. >>, >=, etc.)
  • Pointers and pointer arithmetic
  • Array syntax
  • Input and output library (putc, getc)
  • Control flow statements and blocks
    • Labels and goto
    • if and else
    • for and while loops
    • switches (long-term, low-priority)
  • enums (low-priority)
  • structs
    • typedef
  • Dynamic memory allocation library (malloc, free)

Compiler Features

  • Proper error reporting (line number, etc)
  • Preprocessor macro for printing a string (#pragma OutString Hello, world! --> putc('H'); putc('e'); ...)


Here's a very simple example program:

Source Files


void putc(int c) {
    asm ("
        lw      $r1,    0($r6);
        output  $r1;


int getc() {
    asm ("
        input   $r5;

    return; // Implicit return $r5


#include "samples/io.c"

int main() {
    putc(10);   // \n

    return 0;

Compiled Assembly Output

NOTE: The comments are generated by the compiler! I did not modify the output in any way; what you see here is directly copy-pasted from the output file.

    # Set up the stack pointer 
    la      $r1,    __sp_init
    lw      $r6,    0($r1)
    xor     $r1,    $r1,    $r1

    # Jump to the entry point
    jal     main

# putc (Int c)
    # Allocate stack space and back up registers
    addi    $r6,    $r6,    -5
    sw      $r1,    0($r6)
    sw      $r2,    1($r6)
    sw      $r3,    2($r6)
    sw      $r4,    3($r6)
    xor     $r5,    $r5,    $r5
    sw      $r7,    4($r6)

    # [InlineAssembly]
    lw      $r1,    0($r6)
    output  $r1

    # [Return ]
    lw      $r1,    0($r6)
    lw      $r2,    1($r6)
    lw      $r3,    2($r6)
    lw      $r4,    3($r6)
    lw      $r7,    4($r6)
    addi    $r6,    $r6,    5
    jr      $r7

# getc ()
    # Allocate stack space and back up registers
    addi    $r6,    $r6,    -5
    sw      $r1,    0($r6)
    sw      $r2,    1($r6)
    sw      $r3,    2($r6)
    sw      $r4,    3($r6)
    xor     $r5,    $r5,    $r5
    sw      $r7,    4($r6)

    # [InlineAssembly]
    input   $r5

    # [Return ]
    lw      $r1,    0($r6)
    lw      $r2,    1($r6)
    lw      $r3,    2($r6)
    lw      $r4,    3($r6)
    lw      $r7,    4($r6)
    addi    $r6,    $r6,    5
    jr      $r7

# main ()
    # Allocate stack space and back up registers
    addi    $r6,    $r6,    -5
    sw      $r1,    0($r6)
    sw      $r2,    1($r6)
    sw      $r3,    2($r6)
    sw      $r4,    3($r6)
    xor     $r5,    $r5,    $r5
    sw      $r7,    4($r6)

    # [FunctionCall [Function putc --> Void] [Literal 72],
    addi    $r6,    $r6,    -1
    # [EvaluateExpression [Literal 72]]
    addi    $r6,    $r6,    -1
    sw      $r1,    0($r6)
    xor     $r1,    $r1,    $r1
    addi    $r1,    $r1,    31
    addi    $r1,    $r1,    31
    addi    $r1,    $r1,    10
    sw      $r1,    1($r6)
    lw      $r1,    0($r6)
    addi    $r6,    $r6,    1
    lw      $r1,    0($r6)
    addi    $r6,    $r6,    1
    jal     putc

    # [FunctionCall [Function putc --> Void] [Literal 10],
    addi    $r6,    $r6,    -1
    # [EvaluateExpression [Literal 10]]
    addi    $r6,    $r6,    -1
    sw      $r1,    0($r6)
    xor     $r1,    $r1,    $r1
    addi    $r1,    $r1,    10
    sw      $r1,    1($r6)
    lw      $r1,    0($r6)
    addi    $r6,    $r6,    1
    lw      $r1,    0($r6)
    addi    $r6,    $r6,    1
    jal     putc

    # [Return [Literal 0]]
    addi    $r6,    $r6,    -1
    # [EvaluateExpression [Literal 0]]
    addi    $r6,    $r6,    -1
    sw      $r1,    0($r6)
    xor     $r1,    $r1,    $r1
    addi    $r1,    $r1,    0
    sw      $r1,    1($r6)
    lw      $r1,    0($r6)
    addi    $r6,    $r6,    1
    xor     $r5,    $r5,    $r5
    lw      $r5,    0($r6)
    addi    $r6,    $r6,    1
    lw      $r1,    0($r6)
    lw      $r2,    1($r6)
    lw      $r3,    2($r6)
    lw      $r4,    3($r6)
    lw      $r7,    4($r6)
    addi    $r6,    $r6,    5
    jr      $r7

# Initial stack pointer value
__sp_init: .word 32767

# Global Variables: 


C compiler targeting the Duke 250/16 MIPS-like RISC architecture. This was written in C# as a side project to automate creation of tests for a custom CPU developed in a course-related project.






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