Analyze and monitor VAST's memory consumption
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Using the memory tools provided with VAST and the extensions included in this project, developers can quickly diagnose and correct memory problems.
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Using the "Configuration Maps Browser", you first need to load the configuration map ENVY/Stats ES-ALL
that ships with your VAST ENVY manager.
- Install VA Smalltalk 9.2.1 or newer.
- Install Tonel support in your development image following this guide.
- Clone this repository.
- The easiest and recommended approach is to install it via a script:
| loader path |
path := (CfsPath named: '<insert path to root kes-stats local repo here>').
loader := TonelLoader readFromPath: path.
beUnattended; "do not prompt and use all defaults"
loader loadAllMapsWithRequiredMaps.
Or you can load the Configuration Map KES/Stats
from the context menu of the Configuration Maps Browser: "Import"
-> "Load Configuration Maps from Tonel repository..."
-> select path to root kes-stats
local repo. This will open a dialog and will use convenient defaults for the load. Refer to its documentation for more details.
- Using the "Configuration Maps Browser", import and load the config map
from the kesStats.dat
This extension of the applications in the ENVY/Stats ES-ALL
configuration map summarizes the object statistics in memory and allows you to easily see what kinds of objects were relinquished between two measurements by simple selection.
To start, select Open Memory Consumption Monitor
or Open Static Memory Consumption View
from the Tools menu of the Transcript.
The first view generates approximate snapshots of all objects in memory. By selecting two snapshots, you can compare the difference in new/discarded objects.
The second view shows the memory usage of the code for the selected applications.
The information of this project was previously published in 2 Eye on SmallTALK articles by Dan Kehn:
- Smalltalk Dynamic Memory Consumption Analysis by Dan Kehn (April 2000)
- Smalltalk Static Memory Consumption Analysis by Dan Kehn (December 2000)
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