This project showcases how to index names, aiming to compile a complete list of primary names from It can be adopted for a custom indexer to be implemented into other projects.
- Initially, it indexes all resolver settings found in the registry.
- Then, it captures and indexes any changes to names or address records.
- When a change occurs to a resolver listed in the registry, the
table is updated with the new address or name. - The system also offers a view that filters and displays the data.
- Each execution will incrementally update the dataset based on the findings from the previous successful execution.
Known issues:
- The system overlooks resolver records set before assigning a resolver in the registry. While unlikely, this could lead to potential issues.
- Indexed record events may originate from unused or invalid resolvers, potentially leading to database spam.
$ yarn start --help
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Usage: index [options] name indexer
-V, --version output the version number
-n, --node <url> Node URL of the blockchain (default: "")
-c, --contract <address> Registry Address (default: "0xa9231da8BF8D10e2df3f6E03Dd5449caD600129b")
-d, --database <file> SQLite storage (default: "index.db")
-h, --help display help for command
Example MainNet
This will access
and fetch all names managed on 0xa9231da8BF8D10e2df3f6E03Dd5449caD600129b
. The result is stored in index.db
yarn start --node --contract 0xa9231da8BF8D10e2df3f6E03Dd5449caD600129b --database index.db
Example TestNet
yarn start --node --contract 0xcBFB30c1F267914816668d53AcBA7bA7c9806D13 --database testnet.db