The Rate plugin stores billable rates for Users. It also provides an API that can be used to find the rate for a Member of a Project at a specific date.
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Redmine version >= 3.3.0
Ruby version >= 2.0.0
Track rates for a user based on
Date Rate came into effect and
the Project
Store historic rate amounts
Lock rates to preserve historic calculations
Rate.for API for other plugins
Integration with the Billing plugin
Integration with the Budget plugin
Integration with the Contracts plugin
To install the redmine_rate, execute the following commands from the root of your redmine directory, assuming that your RAILS_ENV environment variable is set to “production”:
cd $REDMINE_ROOT git clone plugins/redmine_rate bundle install --without development test bundle rake redmine:plugins:migrate NAME=redmine_rate
Restart your application server (apache with passenger, nginx with passenger, unicorn, puma, etc.) and “redmine_rate“ is ready to use.
More information on installing Redmine plugins can be found here:
There are two ways to set rates for a Member of a Project.
Browse to the Project Settings page
Select the Members tab
Enter the rate for the Member and click the set Rate
Alternatively, Rates can be set in the User Administration panel
Browse to the Administration panel
Select Users
Select the specific user to add a rate for
Select the Membership tab and enter a rate for each project
Or, select the Rate History and enter a new rate in the form
A default rate is a user’s Rate that doesn’t correspond to a specific project. It can be set in the User Administration panel:
Browse to the Administration panel
Select Users
Select the specific user to add a rate for
Select the Rate History and enter a new rate in the form, keep the Project field set to Default Rate.
Currently this feature is only available through the Rate API. A Rate will become locked once a valid TimeEntry is assigned to the Rate.
The plugin includes some simple caching for time entries cost. Instead of doing a lookup for each time entry, the rate plugin will cache the total cost for each time entry to the database. The caching is done transparently but you can run and purge the caches from the Administration Panel or using the provided rate tasks (rake rate_plugin:update_cost_cache, rake rate_plugin:refresh_cost_cache).
This plugin is licensed under the GNU GPL v2. See COPYRIGHT.txt and GPL.txt for details.