This project is a goal-setter application built with Express.js and REST API. Users can register and login to manage their goals by adding or deleting them. JWT tokens are used for authentication, and the frontend is implemented using React.js.
Key Features 📝
1. Backend- NodeJs, ExpressJs
2. Frontend- ReactJs, React-Redux
3. JWT Authentication, RestAPI, MongoDB
4. Allowed Operations
1. Users can register, login
2. Users can add, view, edit, and delete goals
3. RestAPI CRUD operations allowed
# Install Dependencies
# Backend Dependencies
npm install
# Frontend Dependencies
cd frontend
npm install
# To run the server
npm run server
npm run dev
# This is the command used to install a package.
npm install <package>
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.