Note: To see a more readable view, by using VSC, right click on the tab title and select "Open preview".
This framework is made up of the following tools
1. Cypress: Framework used to automate the actions in the browser and locate elements.
2. Cucumber: BDD Framework that allows behaviors to be specified in a logical and understandable language.
3. Cucumber-html-reporter: HTML reports generator based on cucumber feature files test results.
4. Mocha: Testing framework that provides a BDD/TDD and easy-to-read syntax.
5. Chai: BDD/TDD assertion library that allows apply assertion over the test.
6. Node.js: The Runtime environment that allows packaging and manage the dependencies.
7. ReactJS application: Which will be the UI application under test.
8. Python flask application: Corresponding the Back-end and api side.
Framework Structure
The relevant framework files are included in the following folders.
- test strategy and defect report: Contain the test strategy along with the bugs report.
- cypress\fixtures, plugins and support: Contain constants, configurations and methods tha support the tests.
- cypress\integration: Contains the test and feature files that encompases the steps and scenarios to be executed.
- cypress\reports\cucumber-htmlreport.html: Contains the test result report in HTML format.
- .vscode: Contains the SQL file to manage the SQLite database and a config file to open files by command.
Requirements to run the test
Open a terminal console and make sure you are in the root path of the project, and run the command below to install dependencies.
npm i
Besides the dependencies installed running the command above, it's necessary to install
- python (recommended 3.10 version)
- flask (
pip install flask
) - pysqlite3 (
pip install pysqlite3
Since this test was prepared in Windows, take into account next changes were made.
- In the start-api script in the package.json:
It was changed export by set
It was added "python -m" before " flask run"
- .vscode\tasks.json file was adapted for windows
- In the start-api script in the package.json:
How to run the test
To start the the api services, build the app and start it, run:
npm run start-api
npm run build
npm run start
To run all the tests in headed mode (opening the web browser), so that run one after the other, with no pause, run
npm run cy:test
If for some reason the HTML report is not generated or does not open automatically, you can run:
=> To generate it
=> To open it
To run the test by opening the Cypress UI and handle the test run at will, run
npx cypress open
- Click on
Run 2 integration specs
option to run all tests and see the results
If you want to omit any scenario before running test, just write @ignore on the top of the scenario word
Note (After running the tests):
- Test results are visible in the Cypress UI panel, when you run test using the Cypress UI
- Test results are visible as well in the VSC terminal console
- Test result report in HTML format will open automatically in your web browser when the test finishes running, as well it can be found in:
For further information about the author, please consult Victor Caminero LinkedIn profile