Market sentiment analysis powered by NLP ML
Analyze financial news with sentiment analysis; BULL or BEAR, to know latest market trend. Auto-summarize into sentences and keywords using NLP apis. Know the news. Move the market.
🤔 Wondering what's the market sentiment today? Introducing BULL 📈 or BEAR 📉. This tool helps to analyze financial news with sentiment analysis; bullish or bearish, to know the latest market trend using NLP.
The results come not only with polarity (pos ➕, neu 🤞, neg ➖) but also with a confidence score, helping you with data-driven decision making.
We added auto-summarizing of news articles into key sentences and #keywords for ease of reading 🤗.
This web-app utilizes machine learning APIs to extract key information from URLs, analyze the sentiment polarity, and auto-summarize it.
Please enjoy the app 😍 and let us know for any feedback! Thanks for the support! 🙏