Medical Domain | Fashion Domain | Autonomous Vehicles Domain |
Agriculture Domain | Wildlife Domain | Retail Domain |
Satellite Domain | Healthcare Domain | Activity Analysis Domain |
- Write less code and create end to end applications.
- Learn only one syntax and create applications using any deep learning library - pytorch, mxnet, keras, tensorflow, etc
- Manage your entire project easily with multiple experiments
- Students
- Seamlessly learn computer vision using our comprehensive study roadmaps
- Researchers and Developers
- Create and Manage multiple deep learning projects
- Competiton participants (Kaggle, Codalab, Hackerearth, AiCrowd, etc)
- Expedite the prototyping process and jumpstart with a higher rank
#Create an experiment
ptf.Prototype("sample-project-1", "sample-experiment-1")
#Load Data
# Train
predictions = ptf.Infer(img_name="sample.png", return_raw=True);
#Create comparison project
#Add all your experiments
ctf.Add_Experiment("sample-project-1", "sample-experiment-1");
ctf.Add_Experiment("sample-project-1", "sample-experiment-2");
# Generate statistics
- CUDA 9.0 :
pip install -U monk-cuda90
- CUDA 9.0 :
pip install -U monk-cuda92
- CUDA 10.0 :
pip install -U monk-cuda100
- CUDA 10.1 :
pip install -U monk-cuda101
- CUDA 10.2 :
pip install -U monk-cuda102
- CPU (+Mac-OS) :
pip install -U monk-cpu
- Google Colab :
pip install -U monk-colab
- Kaggle :
pip install -U monk-kaggle
For More Installation instructions visit: Link
- Getting started with Monk
- Essential notebooks to use all the monk's features
- Image Processing and Deep Learning
- Learn both the basic and advanced concepts of image processing and deep learning
- Transfer Learning
- Understand transfer learning in the AI field
- Image classification zoo
- A list of 50+ real world image classification examples
Functional Documentation (Will be merged with Latest docs soon)
Features and Functions (In development):
Complete Latest Docs (In Progress)
- Model Visualization
- Pre-processed data visualization
- Learned feature visualization
- NDimensional data input - npy - hdf5 - dicom - tiff
- Multi-label Image Classification
- Custom model development
- Functional Documentation
- Tackle Multiple versions of libraries
- Add unit-testing
- Contribution guidelines
- Python pip packaging support
- Tensorflow 2.0 provision support with v1
- Tensorflow 2.0 complete
- Chainer
- TensorRT Acceleration
- Intel Acceleration
- Echo AI - for Activation functions
Connect with the project contributors
Copyright 2019 onwards, Tessellate Imaging Private Limited Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this project's files except in compliance with the License. A copy of the License is provided in the LICENSE file in this repository.