This app uses docker which is only avaible on Window10 Pro or Enterprize
, this doesnt run on Windows Home
but is accessible easily in case of other OS
I recommend using an Ubuntu
or Mac
or any linux
based OS and install docker
, go to this link for details.
$sudo apt install
This program needs to be run in Python3
only. So if you need to install python3's pip use the following command
$sudo apt install python3 python3-pip
After installing pip3, run the requirements.
$pip3 install -r requirements.txt
First you need to load the dataset from docker
$sudo docker run -p 8501:8501 --name=pets -v "/<----the address of the pets folder--->/pets/:/models/pets/1" -e MODEL_NAME=pets tensorflow/serving
You can close the terminal
or start a new one, either ways it runs in the background, you can check by the following command.
$sudo docker ps
Now run the flask server.
You'll find the page in localhost:5000
, open the link in your browser.
Upload the image, and click the button to send, and you'll find the result.
$pip3 install <module_name>