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Core Banking Simulator

This a core banking simulator used in vino bank demo. It build with Quart and Tortoise ORM. aerich is used for database schema migration.

Quick Start

# the easiest way to install uv
curl -LsSf | sh

# create virtualenv and install dependencies
uv sync
source .venv/bin/activate

# fix various formatting and import issues automatically
ruff check . --fix

# use pre-commit to ensure only clean code is commiteed
pre-commit install -f

# run test to ensure the basic setup is working
# by default a sqlite in-memory database will be used for testing
pytest -s -v

# Run the server
quart run

# see OpenAPI docs
Browse to ```http://localhost:5000/docs```

See the generated pyproject.toml for more details on the tools and configurations.

Create datbase for use with applicaiton

The database location and credential are read from DATABASE_URL in .env file.

# create user and database. for PostgreSQL
psql -U postgres

CREATE USER appuser WITH PASSWORD 'password';
CREATE DATABASE database OWNER appuser;

# create .env file
echo 'DATABASE_URL="asyncpg://appuser:password@server:port/database??minsize=2&maxsize=10"' > .env

# run schema migration
source .venv/bin/activate
aerich upgrade

# ready to go!